Friday Talking Points -- Protect Social Security From Elon Musk!

[ Posted Friday, March 21st, 2025 – 17:59 UTC ]

President Elon Musk and his figurehead Donald Trump inched closer to a constitutional crisis (once again) last week. It still hasn't been fully resolved, so we've all got more of this to look forward to next week as well.

Trump invoked a law from the 1700s this week which would allow him personally to determine who gets deported. No due process, no hearing before a judge -- none of that. Just Trump deciding: "I don't like this guy, let's kick him out." The Alien Enemies Act is only supposed to apply when the United States is at war with another nation, and has only been used three times -- the most recent being the shameful internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II. But as far as Trump is concerned, it doesn't matter than we aren't at war, he just doesn't want to deal with the courts at all.

The courts, unsurprisingly, disagreed. A federal judge ordered that nobody be deported using the Act, and further that any planes that were in the air with people on them actively being deported be turned around and brought back. The Trump administration refused to do so, and two flights landed in El Salvador (after the judge handed down his order), and everyone aboard was sent to a notorious prison where they will spend the next year doing forced labor.

None of these people -- none of them -- had any sort of "day in court" here in America. People were selected merely for having tattoos -- not gang tattoos, but just ordinary tattoos (for a favorite soccer team, in one instance). Nobody had the chance to offer up any proof that they weren't members of a Venezuelan gang -- instead they will now spend the next year in a hellhole, doing forced labor.

The judge's ruling sparked a frenzy of pushback from Trump and Elon Musk and all their minions. Trump himself called for the judge to be impeached and removed, after calling him a few names. This was so shocking that Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts issued a rare statement from the highest court stating in no uncertain terms that this was an un-American thing to even suggest and that the appeals process was the correct way of challenging a judge's ruling.

In the midst of all of this, Musk proved that he has an even worse understanding of the Constitution than Trump does. Here is the story, from perhaps the best round-up of all the shocking things going on this week:

The man President Donald Trump put in charge of taking a chain saw to federal agencies showed once again this week that he lacks even a rudimentary understanding of the government he is dismembering.

"This is a judicial coup," Elon Musk proclaimed, reacting to the growing list of federal judges who have moved to halt the Trump administration's headfirst plunge into lawlessness. "We need 60 senators to impeach the judges and restore rule of the people."

The article goes on to ask: "How did this guy pass his citizenship test?" and point out that (1) the House impeaches, not the Senate, and (2) to convict in cases of impeachment requires two-thirds of the Senate -- 67 votes, not 60.

The article then goes on to list all the other ways we are slouching towards a constitutional crisis (emphasis in original):

They [the Trump administration] have issued scores of executive orders that flatly contradict the Constitution and the laws of the land. Apparently, they are hoping a submissive Supreme Court will reimagine the Constitution to suit Trump's whims -- and federal judges have reacted as they should, by slapping down these lawless power grabs. As such, the administration is on a prodigious losing streak in court. Judges, in preliminary rulings, have already blocked the administration more than 50 times. Over the past week alone, judges:

  • Ended Musk's access to the private Social Security data of millions of Americans for a "fishing expedition."
  • Halted Musk's continued destruction of the U.S. Agency for International Development.
  • Blocked enforcement of Trump's executive order banning transgender people from military service.
  • Stopped the administration from terminating $20 billion in grants from a congressionally approved climate program.
  • Ordered the Education Department to restore $600 million in grants to place teachers in struggling schools.
  • And, most visibly, required the administration to halt the deportation flights of Venezuelan migrants to a Salvadoran prison without any judicial review -- an order the administration evidently defied.

That's not even a full and comprehensive list. Trump has had a string of court losses already -- so many that it's hard to keep track of them all.

Amusingly, the White House press secretary was caught in a Kinsley gaffe ("when a politician accidentally admits the truth") about all this lawlessness, stating (after Trump gave a truly deranged speech at the Justice Department last week, where he claimed that CNN and MSNBC are "illegal") that the Department of Justice will focus on "fighting law and order." Yeah, we can tell.

In other extra-constitutional news, Trump decreed that pardons issued by Joe Biden were null and void, even though "un-pardoning" people isn't actually a thing. Trump is determined to overturn anything good Biden did, which led him to try to make two national monuments disappear (another presidential power that doesn't actually exist), and he revoked a minimum wage hike for federal contractors. He kind-of-sort-of tried to kill off the Department of Education, although the White House later admitted that it can't actually do that without Congress acting.

Meanwhile, President Musk reposted a message on social media which read: "Stalin, Mao, and Hitler didn't murder millions of people. Their public service employees did." Charming!

Musk was set to be briefed today on the full war plan for China (should war ever break out, the Pentagon always tries to plan ahead), which is the most secret national security information imaginable. Musk also is overseeing the firing of a whole bunch of nuclear bomb engineers and scientists, it's worth mentioning ("DOGE Cuts Reach Key Nuclear Scientists, Bomb Engineers and Safety Experts"). The National Nuclear Security Administration has "lost a huge cadre of scientists, engineers, safety experts, project officers, accountants and lawyers" as a result.

The Justice Department reacted to vandalism at President Musk's Tesla dealerships by charging three people with "domestic terrorism" charges that could land them in jail for 20 years. Musk's underling Trump responded by suggesting that maybe we could just send them to prison in El Salvador too. The secretary of Commerce, in a shocking breach of ethics, appeared on Fox News and told everyone to go buy some Tesla stock (because it has tanked over 50 percent since December).

Musk is also chainsawing his way through the Social Security Administration, aided and abetted by the acting head of the agency. More on this in our Talking Points segment, but at least the Senate will be able to weigh in on this one soon, as the nominee to run the S.S.A. will be up for a confirmation hearing.

Republicans who are still holding town hall meetings are still getting an earful about Musk from their constituents, for good reason. The "most pathetic clip of the week" shows one representative being loudly booed over her support for Musk and responding by clapping for herself on stage -- because nobody else would.

The Pentagon, meanwhile, is still busily scrubbing any mention of anyone who is not White and male from their websites. This is an ongoing effort that has already caused some embarrassment, but this week it got worse as Jackie Robinson's page was removed as well as pages for the Navajo Code Talkers of World War II and the Native American who drafted the terms of the Confederacy's surrender at the end of the Civil War. Rosie the Riveter? Gone too.

Thankfully, the Jackie Robinson page was restored after an outcry, but they're somehow going to try to honor him without pointing out that he was not just a garden variety baseball star (in other words, that he is a historic figure precisely because he was Black).

No wonder a French politician wants the Statue of Liberty returned. In case you missed it, here's what he had to say recently:

French [Member of the European Parliament] Raphaël Glucksmann, of the Socialists and Democrats group, has set tongues wagging by suggesting that the Statue of Liberty -- unveiled in New York in 1886 as a gift from the French people -- should be sent back because the United States has chosen to side with tyrants.

With his own tongue in cheek, a grinning Glucksmann told a party convention: "We're going to say to the Americans who have chosen to side with the tyrants, to the Americans who fired researchers for demanding scientific freedom: 'Give us back the Statue of Liberty.'"

"We gave it to you as a gift, but apparently you despise it. So it will be just fine here at home," Glucksmann added, according to local media.

No wonder worldwide tourists are avoiding taking vacations in the United States these days. Why should they, when they now run the risk of being stopped at the borders and deported?

And no wonder caricatures of Trump (including one hilarious one portraying him as Jabba The Hutt) were burned in effigy in Spain this week.


Most Impressive Democrat Of The Week

We're going to hand the Most Impressive Democrat Of The Week to a pair of Democrats who are showing the rest of the party what they need to be doing right now: Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Sanders launched his "Fighting Oligarchy" tour a while back, but it finally seems to be generating some media attention. Maybe it's the enormous crowds that are turning out to see them; some in red states, some in small towns. Maybe it's the fact that in a recent poll of voters who were asked who "best reflects the core values of the Democratic Party," Ocasio-Cortez came in first and Bernie came in third (in second place, right between them, was Kamala Harris). But maybe it's just the fact that the two of them are out there fighting and offering the voters exactly what all the focus groups and pundits have identified as what should be the main message of the Democratic Party right now: helping working-class people out and attacking the vast economic inequality in America.

Here is just a sampling of what they've been saying (taken from their Las Vegas rally yesterday). First, Bernie:

The worst addiction in this country today is the greed of oligarchy. They are like heroin addicts -- they need more and more and more. And if they have to destroy Social Security and Medicaid to get what they want, that is what they will do.

And here's A.O.C., putting her own experience forward:

I don't believe in health care, labor and human dignity because I'm a Marxist -- I believe it because I was a waitress. Because I worked double shifts to keep the lights on and because on my worst day, I know what it feels like to feel left behind. And I know that we don't have to live like this.

Their message is a simple and powerful one -- Democrats don't need to wring their hands and clutch their pearls and fret about: "What message can we get behind to appeal to working-class voters?" because Bernie figured that out decades ago. Attack the oligarchy. Show how making billionaires like Elon Musk pay their fair share will mean a better life for everyone. Take on corporate greed. Show voters that they are not alone in feeling powerless. Give them some hope that there is a different way to do things that is far better than letting Elon Musk be president (in all but name).

Some are seeing this as the passing of the progressive torch. Bernie hasn't fully committed yet, but realistically he's far too old to run for president again. A.O.C., however, is not. She could run, or she could decide to launch a primary challenge against Senator Chuck Schumer. She's got lots of options, and plenty of time to grow her political stature.

Democrats don't need to start from scratch. They don't need to figure out an agenda to get people enthusiastic to vote for them. They've already got an economic plan ready to go -- just pick any Bernie speech from roughly the past 30 years or so. All the proposals are right there. The media almost never itemizes these proposals in detail. But if enough Democrats start singing from the same playbook, they'll eventually have to.

Bernie Sanders has been fighting this good fight for a long time now. A.O.C. is just beginning her career as a political fighter. But they both have a very powerful message. Give people a reason to vote for Democrats. Show them that there are better ideas than what we've got now. And above all, fight for them.

For showing other Democrats what they all should be doing right about now, Bernie and A.O.C. are easily the winners of this week's Most Impressive Democrat Of The Week award. To be fair, there are a few other Democrats out there fighting as well, but Bernie and A.O.C. seem to be leading the pack right now.

[Congratulate Senator Bernie Sanders on his Senate contact page, and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on her House contact page, to let them know you appreciate their efforts.]


Most Disappointing Democrat Of The Week

You know who's not leading the Democratic pack right now? Chuck Schumer.

Schumer spent a second week in the Democratic doghouse, which generated a whole bunch of media articles on the familiar "Democrats In Disarray" theme. Schumer even had to cancel a media tour for his new book, since it would likely have been impossible for him to talk about it when people showed up to protest him. Things got so bad that we reluctantly had to endorse Chuck stepping down from his leadership role in the Senate, since he just doesn't seem to have the charisma or personality to cope with the current historical moment. Democrats need someone seen as fighting back, and Schumer just doesn't seem to be that guy.

But heck, we gave Schumer the Most Disappointing Democrat Of The Week last week, so this week we are going to give it to Gavin Newsom once again instead.

Newsom followed up his debut podcast interview with Charlie Kirk by inviting none other than Steve Bannon on his show. Bannon repeated his lies about the 2020 election being stolen, and Newsom didn't even bother to challenge him.

Newsom is quite obviously taking a page from Bill Clinton's playbook and attempting to triangulate voters by reaching out to the MAGA movement. Which is somewhat bizarre, since Newsom has never been seen as much of a moderate, reach-across-the-aisle kind of guy. It smacks of pandering and opportunism more than anything.

Steve Bannon is one of Trump's closest confidantes, and is so odious that he does not deserve a platform on any Democrat's show, plain and simple. He should be considered beyond the pale. If outreach to Republican voters is what you're aiming to achieve, there are far better people to have a discussion with than Bannon, to put this slightly differently. Who is Newsom going to have on next? The QAnon Shaman? Donald Trump Junior? Elon Musk?

Newsom was even caught trying to rewrite his own history, as he tries to triangulate himself into some sort of "moderate" or "centrist." During his interview with Kirk, Newsom claimed: "Not one person ever in my office has ever used [the term] 'Latinx'." CNN helpfully dug up multiple video clips of Newsom himself using the term repeatedly. Tack to the center if you think you must, Gavin, but don't lie about your own past support for things, OK?

Maybe Newsom has the right idea, and will be able to triangulate his way into the White House. We kind of doubt he's going to make it through the primary season if he goes too far, though. Alienating Democratic voters doesn't always work out, in other words.

Which is why we're handing Gavin Newsom another Most Disappointing Democrat Of The Week award.

[Contact California Governor Gavin Newsom on his official contact page, to let him know what you think of his actions.]


Friday Talking Points

Volume 788 (3/21/25)

Democrats seem to be seeking an issue they can all get behind in order to fight back against everything that is going on. They've been floundering around for weeks, and so far the voters aren't exactly impressed.

But Elon Musk has handed them a gift, wrapped up in a bow, on a silver platter. Because he's going after Social Security, which used to be considered the "third rail of American politics" (i.e., you touch it and you die).

If Democrats can't rise to meet this occasion, then they might as well pack it up and go home. After all, protecting Social Security has been their signature issue for decades -- pretty much ever since it began, really. Trump blithely promised over and over again that he wouldn't "touch" Social Security, but that's exactly what Musk is doing right now, and who knows what the Republicans in Congress are going to do when they finally put some numbers on their budget plans?

So this week, instead of discrete (but never discreet) talking points, we have instead written a rant. This is how Democrats should be fighting back. Seniors are one demographic that politicians usually pay a lot of attention to, because they vote at much higher rates than younger Americans.

So lean into it. This isn't some obscure agency that few voters care about. This isn't some esoteric political argument about the size of government. This is Granny's Social Security check, and if Democrats can't make a powerful issue out of that, then there simply is no hope for the party at all. It is tailor-made for political exploitation. So get out there and rant about it!


Nobody voted for this

You know, in the last election, a lot of people voted for Kamala Harris and a lot of people voted for Donald Trump, but nobody voted to have Elon Musk take over as de facto president. And yet, here we are.

It's one thing when he tries to destroy American foreign aid or some obscure federal department very few people have ever heard of. But it's a whole 'nother thing when he wants to destroy Social Security. That should have everybody worried, because it affects all of us.

Before Musk waded in with his chainsaw, the Social Security Administration's staffing was at a 50-year low. Musk is in the process of decimating this workforce further, which is going to make it harder and harder -- if not downright impossible -- for average Americans to deal with it anymore.

He says he's fighting "waste, fraud, and abuse." That's your grandmother he's talking about. Granny's not "wasting" money, she is getting what she paid for after a lifetime of working. She's not "defrauding" the government by trying to sign up to get the benefits she has earned and contributed towards. She is not "abusing" the system, she is attempting to use the system in the proper way.

But Musk doesn't care. She's nothing but "waste," to him, or some kind of criminal trying to get money she doesn't deserve.

That should outrage each and every one of you. I know it makes me absolutely furious!

Just this week, the Musk administration announced that it will no longer allow Americans to fully file for benefits over the phone. Instead, they'll have to appear in person at a Social Security field office. But -- whoops! -- they're shuttering dozens of these field offices, so the one near Granny won't even be open anymore. She'll have to travel further. Sorry, Granny. This is so shocking even one House Republican is even complaining.

Even getting the people at Social Security on the phone is going to be a serious challenge. They're slashing 7,000 jobs, which means a lot fewer people will be working to answer those calls. Granny will be put on hold for hours, just to get an easy question answered. It'll be worse than trying to get your cable company on the phone, and who wants that?

It's also going to be tougher and tougher to get an appointment at a Social Security field office, because this change is going to force 75,000 to 85,000 more in-person visits to these offices -- per week. That is over four million unnecessary visits per year, folks.

And Elon Musk has the temerity to claim he is somehow making government "more efficient." What nonsense! Slashing the workforce, forcing seniors -- many with mobility or other health problems, as well as transportation issues -- to appear in person, and making them wait far longer to talk to anybody is not "more efficient," it is the exact opposite!

How is making things harder for seniors "more efficient"? How is creating more hoops for them to jump through making anything better? How many of you voted for this? How many people voted to have your parents or grandparents dismissively called "waste" or "fraud" or "abuse" by the world's richest man? It's like watching a James Bond villain take over the American government.

Elon Musk is already digging through everybody's Social Security data. He's rooting around in the database, so he knows everything about your retirement information now. Who voted to give him that power?

This week, a judge ruled Musk and his tech-bros should not be able to dig through everyone's personal data, and you know what the head of Social Security is now saying in response? He's just going to shut down the entire agency, in a snit. Seniors will not get their checks, because Elon Musk can't traipse through their data. Who voted for that?!?

And this is just the beginning, folks. This is just the start of the planned destruction of Social Security. When Musk gets done firing everyone who answers phones and closing down dozens upon dozens of field offices, it will all make dealing with the Social Security Administration an absolute misery for America's seniors. These are people who have paid into and supported the Social Security system for their entire lives, but now they are merely "waste, fraud, and abuse" to the world's richest man. He doesn't care.

Elon Musk doesn't care that many seniors have mobility problems. Elon Musk doesn't care that many seniors don't drive anymore and would have a very hard time figuring out how they can even get to a field office to complete paperwork they used to be able to accomplish over the phone. Elon Musk doesn't care about any of them -- he doesn't need Social Security, so why should he care about anyone else's problems accessing it?

The next step is going to come when Republicans in Congress finally stop hiding their massive budget cuts and admit to the American people what they're going to slash -- all so they can give people like Elon Musk another huge tax cut. Donald Trump swore up and down that he wouldn't touch Medicare or Medicaid or Social Security, but that's already a lie. Watch what they do with their budget numbers -- Republicans are gunning for all three programs.

The thing is, if you make it harder to access these programs, then many people get so frustrated they just give up. Which means that people who are entitled to money don't get it. And that saves money on the budget -- money that will wind up going straight into Musk's pocket.

Is that what Trump voters voted for? Making it so difficult for seniors to get what they've earned so that billionaires can get a tax cut? Seriously?

And that's not the worst of it all. The guy who is currently running the Social Security Administration abruptly cut off contracts in the state of Maine, because he didn't like what the state's governor said to Donald Trump. That is political retribution of the worst kind -- targeting a state because the governor didn't kiss Trump's ass in public. He had to back down on this one -- thankfully -- but who knows when he'll attempt the same move for some other blue state he doesn't like?

America's seniors deserve none of this, period. They deserve better. They deserve respect from the federal government, and they deserve to expect good service when they have to interact with it.

The leading advocacy group for seniors, AARP, wrote a letter to the Social Security Administration leader in response to all this. Here's part of what they had to say:

With Americans already waiting hours to get connected with Social Security on the phone, it is outrageous that under this new policy, older Americans, especially those in rural areas, will have to call, wait on hold for possibly hours, make an appointment, or even take a day off work to claim the benefits they have worked for and earned. There is nothing "efficient" about creating more confusion and disrupting the lives of millions of hardworking American taxpayers with such short notice and with no input from the public.

They're right. This isn't "efficiency." This isn't getting rid of "waste, fraud, and abuse." This is nothing short of making seniors' lives harder. And for no particular reason, other than to shove money into Elon Musk's pocket.

Who voted for that?

It's especially galling that Musk is taking his wrecking ball to Social Security, since he barely pays anything into the fund. Once you make a certain amount of money, everything after that doesn't get taxed. Meaning people like Musk pay a tiny fraction of one percent -- which is hundreds of times lower than what a nurse or a secretary or a cop pays. We could save Social Security once and for all with one simple fix -- make the fatcats like Musk pay the same rate as everyone else instead of a tiny, tiny fraction of one percent of their income. That'd solve the problem overnight, and that's why I am for scrapping the income cap on Social Security taxes. Let's not give more to the billionaires, instead let's make them pay the same fair share as everyone else.

How many people voted to dismantle the Social Security Administration? How many people voted to put the world's richest man in charge of the safety net seniors have expected will be there for them their entire lives? How many people elected a billionaire and some tech-bros to destroy anything they don't understand?

That may not be what people voted for, but that is what they are getting from Elon Musk and Donald Trump. There's a good reason why Democrats have always been seen as the champions of Social Security, all the way back to Franklin Delano Roosevelt -- and this is it, folks. Because Republicans have always wanted to destroy it.

Ask your own grandmother how she feels about that.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant

Cross-posted at: Democratic Underground


142 Comments on “Friday Talking Points -- Protect Social Security From Elon Musk!”

  1. [1] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Republicans fought the New Deal and never have given up their desire to undo it. And Republicans want to roll back the last 60 years of social progress.

  2. [2] 
    italyrusty wrote:

    A retroactive MDDOW has to go to the previous Congresses when the Democrats controlled both chambers, with or without a Republican President.They have had many, many opportunities to pass the Alien Enemies Act since 1798. And yet, it just wasn't important enough.

    And IMO this reflects a sad characteristic of the Democratic Party: they profess to stand for their voters' rights, but when they get into power, Blacks, Asians, LGBT+ voters are forgotten.

  3. [3] 
    italyrusty wrote:

    MtnCaddy [1]: I absolutely agree. And yet during campaign season, it seems that the Democrats can't come up with a SINGLE talking point about it. It is so frustrating.

  4. [4] 
    Mezzomamma wrote:

    I am a grandmother and I'm worried about my daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren--what if one of them is ill and can't work? SiL is a self-employed builder--what if he has a serious accident? What if people can't afford to employ him? What if the youngest eventually needs a heart op and work insurance doesn't cover enough? What about the children's education? Of course we would help as much as we can, but we are not rich and probably couldn't cover big medical bills or college fees.

    That's just for a start and not including the possibility of recession/depression, climate change, epidemics, etc.

  5. [5] 
    Michale wrote:

    The Alien Enemies Act is only supposed to apply when the United States is at war with another nation,

    Not factually accurate.

    SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That whenever there shall be a declared war between the United States and any foreign nation or government, or any invasion or predatory incursion shall be perpetrated, attempted, or threatened against the territory of the United States,
    -Alien Enemies Act

    There it is in plain english, people. I realize Democrats are brain dead, but ya'all STILL can understand plain english, right?? :eyeroll:

    And you people STILL don't get how COMPLETELY untenable your position is...

    Look at what you are fighting for..

    You people are FIGHTING to KEEP murderers and rapists and druggies and scumbags in the United States!!

    What kind of COMPLETE and UTTER moron FIGHTS to keep murderers and rapists and druggies IN their own country!!!????

    I give you the brain dead woke progressive Democrat Party! :eyeroll:

  6. [6] 
    Michale wrote:


    And IMO this reflects a sad characteristic of the Democratic Party: they profess to stand for their voters' rights, but when they get into power, Blacks, Asians, LGBT+ voters are forgotten.

    You are just realizing this now!?? :eyeroll:

    That's the way the brain dead Democrat Party has been for DECADES!!!

    Where have you been???

  7. [7] 
    Michale wrote:

    Since 2025 CW uses practically ONLY NY SLIMES, HuffPoop and WaPoop, I'de give ya'all what NY SLIMES is *REALLY* saying... :D

    The political landscape is shifting dramatically, particularly among Gen Z voters, who are increasingly leaving the brain dead woke progressive Democrat Party in favor of President Trump. Recent analyses by New York Times columnist Ezra Klein, reveal that brain dead Democrats are "getting destroyed" as data shows Gen Z is becoming the "most conservative" generation in decades. This trend is alarming for the brain dead Democrat Party that once assumed young voters would be a reliable base of support.

    Klein's conversation with Democrat pollster David Shor highlights a significant shift in voting patterns. Shor pointed out that among 18-year-olds, only women of color supported Kamala Harris, while Trump narrowly won POC men. This stark contrast underscores a troubling reality for brain dead Democrats: their long-held belief that the youth vote would save them is proving to be "completely false."

    Hear that, brain dead Democrats?? Your brain dead Democrats are "COMPLETELY" wrong...

    Senator John Fetterman has also acknowledged the party's losses among young male voters, stating, "It's undeniable that Democrats have lost a lot." The data reveals a shocking polarization, with 18-year-old men supporting Trump at rates significantly higher than their female counterparts. This unprecedented gender gap indicates a cultural shift that Democrats must confront.

    Klein's analysis suggests that the brain dead Democrat Party's narrative of an ascendant majority is imploding. The belief that Millennials and Gen Z would ultimately favor progressive policies is being challenged as young voters increasingly resonate with Trump's messaging. Klein admits that he, like many liberals, underestimated this shift, stating, "The future has a way of surprising us."

    As Gen Z continues to align with Trump, the brain dead Democrat Party faces a critical moment. If they fail to address the concerns and values of younger voters, they risk losing a generation that could shape the future of American politics. The time for reflection and adaptation is now, or the party may find itself further alienated from the youth it once counted on.

    Of course, we ALL know that self-reflection has never been nor will ever be a trait of brain dead woke progressive Democrats...

    So, we can count on brain dead Democrats being lost in the wilderness for a long long LONG LONG time... :D

    And THAT is a good thing for America and Americans... :D

  8. [8] 
    Michale wrote:

    The Justice Department reacted to vandalism at President Musk's Tesla dealerships by charging three people with "domestic terrorism" charges that could land them in jail for 20 years.


    Because those attacks ARE a textbook example of terrorism..

    Violence against innocent people and property to further a political agenda...

    TEXTBOOK terrorism...

    Let's extrapolate these attacks out to a logical occurrence...

    Some brain dead Democrat, being so moved to violence by other brain dead Democrats sees a Tesla and tosses in a Molotov or two... But there is a FAMILY inside (most likely, a DEMOCRAT family) and they are all killed..

    Brain dead Democrat terrorism claims their first murder by terrorism victims..

    Pure, unadulterated terrorism...

    Supported by you brain dead Democrats here in Weigantia…

    "These are the facts of the case. And they are undisputed.."
    -Captain Smilin' Jack Ross, A FEW GOOD MEN

  9. [9] 
    Michale wrote:

    Don't ya'all just LOVE when PRESIDENT Trump uses the brain dead Democrats' OWN tactics against them!! AND with much more success that brain dead Democrats could EVER hope to achieve.. :D

    This ALSO comes from NY SLIMES... :D

    PRESIDENT Trump is strategically dismantling the infrastructure of the brain dead Democrat Party, creating a wave of panic among brain dead woke progressives. The New York Times says PRESIDENT Trump's aggressive tactics against brain dead Democrat funding, organizing, and legal entities are presenting a unique threat that has historically only been faced by Republicans. This shift in strategy is reminiscent of the playbook that brain dead Democrats have used against their opponents, but now it is being wielded by PRESIDENT Trump to undermine the very foundations of the Democratic establishment.

    Ya'all have said that you want big money out of brain dead Democrat politics.. PRESIDENT Trump is doing that for ya'all… Yer welcome... :D

    One of the most significant moves has been PRESIDENT Trump's imposition of what can be likened to economic sanctions on major brain dead Democrat-affiliated law firms, including Perkins Coie, Covington & Burling, and Paul Weiss. Through executive orders, PRESIDENT Trump has effectively stripped these firms of their federal business, sending shockwaves through the legal community. Notably, Paul Weiss has attempted to reconcile with Trump, admitting wrongdoing and abandoning its diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives to meet his demands, while the other firms are engaged in legal battles against him.

    Moreover, PRESIDENT Trump is exploring the possibility of reviewing and potentially revoking the non-profit status of partisan organizations that support brain dead woke progressive causes. His recent comments regarding Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), a brain dead Democrat-aligned watchdog group, highlight this strategy. By questioning the charitable tax-exempt status of CREW, PRESIDENT Trump is targeting organizations that have aggressively litigated against him, framing them as politically motivated rather than genuinely charitable.

    PRESIDENT Trump's remarks at the Justice Department, where he labeled CREW as a "political thing," underscore his intent to challenge the legitimacy of these organizations. He specifically called out Norm Eisen, a former board member, as a "vicious and violent" individual, further emphasizing his willingness to confront those he perceives as adversaries.

    Additionally, the report touches on the scrutiny of ActBlue, a major fundraising platform for brain dead Democrats. Trump's ally, Elon Musk, has raised questions about ActBlue's funding sources, suggesting that it is backed by Democrat megadonors. This line of attack mirrors the tactics Democrats have used to discredit Republican fundraising efforts, illustrating how PRESIDENT Trump is now employing similar strategies to destabilize the brain dead Democrat Party.

    In essence, PRESIDENT Trump is not just attacking the Democrat Party; he is using their own tactics against them, creating a new battleground in American politics that could reshape the landscape for years to come. As PRESIDENT Trump continues to challenge the status quo, the brain dead woke progressive Democrats must grapple with the reality that their traditional methods of operation are now being turned against them, leaving them vulnerable in a rapidly changing political environment.

    What a GREAT time to be an American, eh!?? :D

  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:

    When one takes a good long look at the kind of people that brain dead Democrats are trying to KEEP IN AMERICA, it's easy to see WHY brain dead Democrats lost and continue to lose so badly...

    People like Mahmoud Khalil, a schill for HAMAS... People like Tre Argua terrorists...

    How utterly brain dead MORONIC are Democrats that they ALWAYS seem to find themselves on the 20% side of the 80/20 issues!!!

    It's NO WONDER that the approval rating of the brain dead Democrat Party is in the 20s.... Who could have POSSIBLY predicted that!!??

    Oh... wait.... :D


  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:

    the most recent being the shameful internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II.

    And WHICH Party was it that "shamefully interned Japanese Americans during World War II"???

    Yep.. That's right..


    Just like it was the DEMOCRAT PARTY that created the KKK and Jim Crow...

    GREAT Party ya'all got there... :eyeroll:

  12. [12] 
    Michale wrote:

    Let's hear what a DEMOCRAT has to say about the brain dead Democrat Party...

    The Democrat Party is facing a crisis of confidence and credibility, and the FACTS that prove this are as overwhelming as they are conclusive.

    Recent polls indicate that the party's favorability has plummeted to a staggering 29%, a sharp decline from 62% in 2008. This dramatic drop reflects a growing disillusionment among voters who are reevaluating the leadership of Basement Biden and the actions of prominent Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Jamie Raskin, and Maxine Waters. Unless there is a significant reset, the brain dead Democrats are poised for a catastrophic defeat in the upcoming midterm elections.

    Usually the minority can look forward to some gains in the midterms.. Not so today's brain dead Democrat Party.. They are looking at even MORE losses in the midterms!!! :D

    Historically, the Democrat Party stood for principles that resonated with the American public: balanced budgets, expanded healthcare benefits, and tough immigration policies. Bill Clinton famously declared, "the era of big government is over," but that sentiment has been utterly abandoned. Instead, the party has drifted leftward, embracing tax-and-spend policies reminiscent of the Odumbo administration, which ultimately alienated tens of MILLIONS of moderate voters.

    The brain dead Democrats' shift towards radical policies has been exacerbated by movements like Black Lives Matter and a relentless opposition to PRESIDENT Trump. This has led to a brain dead Democrat Party that prioritizes cultural and identity issues over the needs of working-class Americans. The nomination of Basement Biden, despite his lackluster performance in early primaries, was a desperate attempt to unify a fractured party. However, once in office, Biden quickly abandoned his moderate roots, opening the borders and flooding the country with migrants while simultaneously supporting extreme spending measures that have driven inflation to new heights.

    Basement Biden's administration has also been marked by a troubling embrace of divisive hate-based and bigoted ideologies, such as DEI which have permeated every aspect of government. His decisions to pardon thousands of druggies and criminals and appoint left-wing judges have further alienated moderate voters. On foreign policy, Biden's inconsistent support for allies like Ukraine and Israel has left many questioning his leadership.

    As a result, the brain dead Democrat Party has transformed from a coalition representing the working and middle classes into a party of elites and pseudo educated voters. The shift in support among Hispanic voters, who have moved towards the Republican Party by the millions, underscores the brain dead Democrats' failure to connect with a crucial demographic.

    So, children... Let's recap....

    The brain dead Democrat Party is in disarray, driven by extreme policies and a leadership that has lost touch with the American people. Without a return to common-sense, middle-class values, the party risks losing even more ground to a resurgent Republican Party that is ready to capitalize on their failures. The time for reflection and change is now, or the Democrats will find themselves in a deeper hole than ever before.

    This is what a DEMOCRAT is saying, people...

    Ya'all need to accept the FACT of the concept that your brain dead Democrat Party has ceased to exist as a viable political entity...

    -Brain Dead Democrats

    As an aside to JL..

    The ONLY reason that the fact that SILENCE GIVES ASSENT.... is annoying to you is because it is dead on ballz accurate.. You people PROVED it accurate in 2017... Basement Biden had PROVEN it accurate on many occasions.. Even 2025 CW has used the concept in a couple commentaries...

    SILENCE GIVES ASSENT... is annoying because it's well and truly been PROVEN to be factually accurate as a brain dead Democrat mantra..

    Don't blame me because brain dead Democrats have given me so much ammunition to use against them.. :D

  13. [13] 
    Michale wrote:

    PRESIDENT Trump kicks brain dead Democrats OUT of the Security Clearance Club!!! :D

    PRESIDENT Trump has taken a bold and necessary step in revoking the security clearances of several high-profile individuals, including former President Joe Biden and his entire family, Vice President Kamala Harris, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. This decisive action underscores Trump's commitment to national security and the integrity of classified information.

    In a memo issued on March 21, 2025, PRESIDENT Trump articulated that it is no longer in the national interest for these individuals to access classified information. This move is not just a political statement; it is a crucial measure to protect sensitive information from those who have demonstrated questionable judgment and motives. By stripping these individuals of their security clearances, PRESIDENT Trump is sending a clear message that accountability matters, especially for those who have previously held positions of power.

    The list of individuals affected by this decision includes not only Biden and Harris but also key figures involved in the impeachment proceedings against PRESIDENT Trump, such as Alexander Vindman and Fiona Hill. Their actions during the impeachment process raised serious concerns about their loyalty as Americans and their integrity. By revoking their clearances, PRESIDENT Trump is ensuring that those who have sought to undermine the President Of The United States do not have access to classified information that could be misused.

    Moreover, PRESIDENT Trump’s decision to revoke the security clearances of individuals like New York Attorney General Letitia James and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who have pursued politically motivated investigations against him, further emphasizes his commitment to protecting the integrity of the intelligence community. These actions are a necessary response to the politicization of security clearances, which should be reserved for those who prioritize the nation's interests over personal vendettas.

    In a time when national security is paramount, PRESIDENT Trump’s actions reflect a strong stance against those who have previously abused their positions. By taking this decisive action, he is not only safeguarding classified information but also reinforcing the principle that access to such information should be granted only to those who have demonstrated a commitment to the nation's well-being.

    All right, children.. It's now time to recap.. :D

    PRESIDENT Trump’s revocation of security clearances is a commendable move that prioritizes national security and accountability. It is a clear indication that he will not tolerate the undermining of his presidency by those who have shown a willingness to exploit their positions for political gain. This bold action is a testament to his leadership and dedication to protecting the interests of the American people.


  14. [14] 
    Michale wrote:


    I am a grandmother and I'm worried about my daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren--what if one of them is ill and can't work? SiL is a self-employed builder--what if he has a serious accident? What if people can't afford to employ him? What if the youngest eventually needs a heart op and work insurance doesn't cover enough? What about the children's education? Of course we would help as much as we can, but we are not rich and probably couldn't cover big medical bills or college fees.

    Oh jeezus, quit yer whining.. Your daughter and grandchildren are going to be 10 times better off and safer under PRESIDENT Trump then they EVER were under brain dead Democrats...

    Oh wait.. Do they drive a Tesla?? If they do, the chances of them being murdered by Democrat terrorists are way up there...

    So yer daughter and yer grandchildren are in even MORE danger from brain dead Democrats in the here and now...

    If you REALLY want to protect your daughter and your grand children, you should vote PRESIDENT Trump and GOP...

    But if you really don't care if they live or die, then by all means.. Continue to vote Democrat... :eyeroll:

  15. [15] 
    Michale wrote:

    And NOW we have Florida Gov actually returning HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars to the American taxpayers!!!


    Governor Ron DeSantis is setting a remarkable example of fiscal responsibility and effective governance in Florida. Recently, he announced the return of over $878 million in taxpayer funds to the federal government, a move that underscores his commitment to eliminating waste and ensuring that taxpayer dollars are used efficiently. This decision comes after years of attempting to return these funds, which were tied to the ideological strings imposed by the Biden Administration.

    DeSantis's proactive approach was highlighted during a meeting with billionaire Elon Musk and the newly formed Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). In a single day, they successfully facilitated the return of these funds, showcasing DeSantis's ability to cut through bureaucratic red tape and deliver results for Floridians. His leadership in this initiative not only saves taxpayer money but also sets a precedent for other states to follow.

    The establishment of the DOGE task force is another testament to DeSantis's dedication to fiscal conservatism. This task force aims to eliminate waste within state government, review spending at state universities, and utilize innovative technologies like artificial intelligence to uncover hidden inefficiencies. By prioritizing accountability and transparency, DeSantis is ensuring that Florida remains a model of effective governance.

    Moreover, DeSantis's collaboration with Musk, who is also a senior advisor to former President Donald Trump, highlights the importance of private-public partnerships in driving efficiency and innovation. Musk's acknowledgment of the nearly billion dollars saved further emphasizes the significance of this initiative.

    In a time when many states struggle with budget deficits and wasteful spending, Governor Ron DeSantis stands out as a leader who is not afraid to challenge the status quo. His commitment to returning taxpayer funds and promoting efficient governance is a breath of fresh air, and it serves as a powerful reminder of what can be achieved with strong leadership. Florida is fortunate to have a governor who prioritizes the interests of its citizens and sets a high standard for fiscal responsibility.

    PRESIDENT Trump and the GOP are simply DESTROYING the brain dead Democrat Party!!!!

    EVERY THING that brain dead Democrats have tried has been laughed at and ridiculed!!! By 2025 CW himself!!!

    I mean, seriously.. How bad off is the brain dead Democrat Party when even the 2025 Grand Poobah himself ridicules their efforts!!

    From doing lame "Super Hero" videos to using ping-pong paddles, the brain dead Democrat Party is just one lame stunt after another!

    You people KNOW that yer brain dead party is in trouble when 2025 CW and I are on the same page!! :D

  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:


    The recent wave of violence targeting Tesla vehicles, dealerships, and charging stations across the United States is a disturbing reflection of the current state of political discourse and the alarming support for domestic terrorism that has emerged from the brain dead woke progressive Democrat Party. Since January 2025, the FBI has reported incidents of arson, gunfire, and vandalism in at least nine states, all aimed at a company led by Elon Musk, who has been appointed by PRESIDENT Trump to lead the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). This situation raises serious concerns about the implications of such actions and the environment that fosters them.

    The attacks on Tesla properties, which include Molotov cocktails being thrown at vehicles and dealerships being shot at, are not merely isolated incidents; they represent a broader trend of political violence that is being tacitly supported by elements within the Democratic Party. The perpetrators of these acts, often described as "lone offenders," are emboldened by a culture that vilifies successful entrepreneurs and capitalists, labeling them as "racists" and "fascists." This rhetoric is not only dangerous but also indicative of a party that has lost its way, prioritizing ideological warfare over constructive dialogue.

    I have been a member of Weigantia since it's inception almost 20 years ago...

    And my definition of terrorism has remained consistent.

    Terrorism is defined as ongoing and systematic attacks of violence specifically targeted against innocent civilian persons or property for the purpose of furthering a political, economical or ideological agenda.

    That is the definition that Law Enforcement Agencies and Intelligence Agencies use..

    And THAT definition fits PERFECTLY the acts of terrorism committed by brain dead woke progressive Democrats..

    You people support a terrorism group.. Whether it's HAMAS or the brain dead Democrat Party...

    You people support terrorism... Live with that.. :eyeroll:

    The FBI's warning for the public to "exercise vigilance" around Tesla properties highlights the severity of the situation. The agency has noted that these attacks are often perceived by the perpetrators as "victimless property crimes," which is a chilling mindset that normalizes violence against individuals and businesses simply because they are associated with a political figure or ideology that one opposes. This mentality is a direct consequence of the divisive and inflammatory rhetoric that has become all too common in political discourse, especially among brain dead woke progressive Democrats who have increasingly embraced radical tactics to silence dissent.

    Moreover, the emergence of websites like "" which aimed to dox Tesla owners, further illustrates the lengths to which these individuals will go to intimidate and harass those who do not conform to their ideological beliefs. This kind of targeted harassment is a hallmark of domestic terrorism, and it is unacceptable in a society that values free speech and the right to express differing opinions.

    HOW can you people support this terrorism!!!???

    The brain dead woke progressive Democrat Party must take responsibility for the environment it has fostered, one that encourages violence and intimidation against those who dare to challenge its narrative. By failing to condemn these acts of domestic terrorism (SILENCE GIVES ASSENT....) the party is implicitly endorsing a culture of fear and aggression that threatens the very fabric of our democracy. It is imperative that we hold accountable those who support or condone such behavior, as it undermines the principles of civil discourse and respect for individual rights.

    OK, children.. It's time for the recap...

    The violence against Tesla and its supporters is a stark reminder of the dangers posed by unchecked political extremism. The brain dead woke progressive Democrat Party must recognize the consequences of its rhetoric and take a stand against the domestic terrorism that is being perpetuated in its name. Only then can we hope to restore a sense of civility and respect in our political landscape.

    You people are SUPPORTING TERRORISM against your fellow Americans..

    How LOW you people have sunk that you would do this...

    Just another example of how bad 2025 Weigantia has sunk into the abyss, as compared to 2010 Weigantia…

  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:

    The recent act of vandalism against Shawn Freed's Tesla in Syracuse, New York, is a deeply troubling reflection of the growing hostility and violence directed at individuals simply because of their association with Elon Musk and his political views. Freed's car was defaced with a permanent marker, bearing the inflammatory message, "This car supports Nazis."

    Get that!? According to some brain dead woke progressive Democrats, the *CAR* supports Nazis!!! :eyeroll:

    This incident is not just an isolated act of graffiti; it represents a dangerous trend where innocent individuals are caught in the crossfire of political animosity.

    What is particularly alarming is that this act of vandalism could have escalated into something far more sinister. Instead of a marker, it could have been a Molotov cocktail, as we have seen in other recent attacks on Tesla properties. Just this week, Attorney General Pam Bondi announced charges against individuals who used Molotov cocktails to set fire to Tesla vehicles and dealerships, labeling these actions as "nothing short of domestic terrorism." The potential for violence is real, and the fact that individuals feel emboldened to target property and people over political disagreements is a cause for concern.

    Shawn Freed's frustration is palpable as he expresses that "regular people like myself are getting caught up in this." He rightly points out that Tesla owners have nothing to do with the political opinions of Elon Musk. Yet, they are being unfairly targeted and vilified simply for their choice of vehicle. This kind of behavior is not only unjust but also indicative of a broader societal issue where dissenting opinions are met with aggression rather than dialogue.

    The impact of such vandalism extends beyond the immediate damage to property; it instills fear and hesitation in individuals who just want to go about their lives. Freed's concern for the safety of his family after this incident is entirely valid. When people feel unsafe in their own communities due to politically motivated attacks, it undermines the very fabric of our society.

    It is imperative that law enforcement takes these incidents seriously and acts decisively against those who perpetrate such acts of violence and intimidation. The message must be clear: vandalism and terrorism and threats of violence will not be tolerated, regardless of the political context.

    ANYONE who is rational and logical must stand against this tide of aggression and violence and ensure that our communities remain safe for everyone, regardless of their political affiliations or the vehicles they choose to drive.

    How you brain dead Democrats can support this is simply beyond rational understanding!!

    How do you people sleep at night!!!???

  18. [18] 
    Michale wrote:

    And, in the GO WOKE.. GO BROKE department....

    The backlash against the new Snow White remake is palpable, and it’s clear that many Americans are not holding back their disdain. Reports indicate that families are walking out of theaters, and audience reviews are overwhelmingly negative. With a mere 46% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, it’s evident that this film is failing to resonate with its intended audience.

    Critics and viewers alike have pointed out the film's glaring issues, from the lead actress's outspoken Trump/America hate sentiments to the controversial decision to change Snow White's race. Many parents have expressed frustration, noting that their children were confused and disappointed by the changes made to a beloved character. One parent recounted how their niece, after watching the film, preferred the original version, highlighting the disconnect between the remake and the classic that so many grew up loving.

    The reviews are brutal, with comments ranging from “the worst movie I’ve ever seen” to “a Frankenstein mess of ideas.” It’s almost comical how consistently negative the feedback is, with some viewers suggesting that even watching it on a plane wouldn’t be worth their time. The film’s attempts to modernize the story have been labeled as “woke garbage,” and many feel that Disney has lost touch with what made the original Snow White so enchanting.

    Moreover, the film's failure seems to stem from a broader trend within Disney, where they continue to produce content that appeals to a very narrow audience while alienating the majority. The decision to cast Rachel Zegler, who has publicly wished ill on PRESIDENT Trump and his supporters, has only added fuel to the fire, leading many to question the motivations behind the casting choices.

    In a time when audiences crave authentic storytelling, the new Snow White remake appears to be a misstep that will likely cost Disney tens of millions. It’s a stark reminder that when it comes to beloved classics, sometimes sticking to the original formula is the best approach. As families continue to express their disappointment, it’s clear that this remake is not just a cinematic failure; it’s a cultural miscalculation that reflects a growing divide between Hollywood and the values of everyday Americans.

  19. [19] 
    Michale wrote:


    Republicans fought the New Deal and never have given up their desire to undo it. And Republicans want to roll back the last 60 years of social progress.

    Any FACTS to support your claims??

    ANY FACTS at all???

    Of course not.. :eyeroll:

  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:


    A retroactive MDDOW has to go to the previous Congresses when the Democrats controlled both chambers, with or without a Republican President.They have had many, many opportunities to pass the Alien Enemies Act since 1798. And yet, it just wasn't important enough.

    Uh... The Act has ALREADY been passed.. Why would Democrats need to pass it again??? Are you stoned???

    And yet during campaign season, it seems that the Democrats can't come up with a SINGLE talking point about it. It is so frustrating.

    They are brain dead Democrats!!! What else do you expect!!??? :eyeroll:

  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    I know ya'all are hoping for salvation in the mid-terms..

    And, of course, ya'all just HAVE TO know that ya'all are going to get creamed in the mid-terms, right??

    Let's take a look at what Democrat Water Carrier POLITICO has to say...

    The Democrat Party is on the brink of a MAJOR electoral disaster in the upcoming 2026 midterms A disaster that will make the 2024 elections look like a fun family picnic by comparison. The signs are unmistakable and conclusive..

    Recent polling data reveals a historic level of discontent among Democratic voters, with approval ratings for congressional Democrats plummeting to just 20%. This is a staggering drop from 75% approval just a year ago, indicating a deep fracture between party leadership and the grassroots base. The anger and frustration among Democrats are palpable, and it mirrors the discontent that once fueled the rise of the Tea Party within the Republican Party.

    The fallout from the 2024 presidential election defeat has left many brain dead Democrats feeling disillusioned and betrayed by their leaders. Unlike previous election cycles, where party loyalty remained strong despite losses, the current sentiment is one of rebellion. American voters are not only dissatisfied with the status quo but are also demanding a more aggressive stance against the Republican Party and its leadership. This dissatisfaction is not simply a call for a shift to the left; rather, it reflects a broader desire for a party that stands firm against perceived threats, particularly from figures like PRESIDENT Trump.

    As we approach the 2026 midterms, the potential for a Tea Party-style revolt within the brain dead Democrat Party looms large. With 13 Democratic-held Senate seats up for reelection, many incumbents may find themselves facing challenges from younger, more progressive candidates who resonate with the party's base. This could lead to a series of bruising primaries that further weaken the party's chances in the general election.

    The historical precedent is clear: when party members feel betrayed or ignored, they are likely to seek alternatives, even if that means supporting insurgent candidates within their own party. The Democratic leadership, particularly figures like Chuck Schumer, must recognize that their conciliatory approach to the GOP is not resonating with their constituents. The backlash against Schumer's recent vote to facilitate a GOP funding bill is just one example of the growing frustration among voters.

    If the Democrat Party hopes to avoid a catastrophic loss in 2026, it must address the concerns of its base and take decisive action to reestablish trust. Ignoring the anger and hoping it will dissipate is a dangerous gamble that could lead to a repeat of the shocking upsets seen in previous election cycles. The time for change is now, and the Democratic Party must act swiftly to align itself with the values and demands of its constituents, or risk facing a devastating defeat at the polls.

    The problem that brain dead Democrats face is that they MUST look in the mirror and realize that their TRUMP/AMERICA HATE and PTDS-infused agenda is NOT WORKING...

    Until brain dead Democrats face up to this reality, the place that Democrats are in now is the HIGH POINT of where they are going to be in 2026...

  22. [22] 
    Michale wrote:

    Let's all play a game...


    Beyond the Trump comedian losing the Puerto Rican vote (8% of the Pennsylvania vote by the way), Trump has called immigrants garbage, Harris supporters garbage. Then pulled a self own by cosplaying as a sanitation worker. It all smells of desperation.
    -Bashit Troll

    And remind me who won PENNSYLVANIA again, Bashit?? :D

    Don't you EVER get tired of being wrong!!?? :D

  23. [23] 
    Michale wrote:

    This is a fun game!! :D

    This year Repugs are pushing early voting “Bank your vote” and Covid has receded so Dems are deferring to closer to on Election Day. So Repugs are a greater share of the 61m votes already canst, no doubt.

    But women are out voting men 55% - 45%! So unless all those Repug female voters are flooding in to vote against their own reproductive rights (spoiler alert: no) I am THRILLED with these early numbers.

    I’m not worried about Kamala and the House.

    Perhaps you should have been a little more worried like I told ya, Caddy.. eh?? :D

  24. [24] 
    Michale wrote:

    I REALLY like this game!! :D

    That "gender gap" is looking wicked in 2024; don't be surprised if not a single pollster had a 10-point gender gap factored into their calculations and therefore underestimated the Harris vote. You should also not be surprised if the amount of Republicans voting for Democrats was also underestimated by pollsters. I would wager the Independent vote will also favor Harris.
    Women are going to decide this election. :)

    -Victoria Troll

    BBBBWWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA What a complete and utterly MORONIC comment to make!!

    Only a TRULY brain dead retarded Democrat like Victoria Troll would make such a bullshit claim!!! :D

  25. [25] 
    Michale wrote:

    A fun fun game.. :D

    I’ll go to my grave believing that Joe would have won reelection against TFG, but I’m entirely pleased by Kamala rising to the occasion as she has. I hope she gets Frat Boy, Alito and Thomas retired or else she packs the court.

    How many times are you going to be wrong, Caddy!!!?? :D

    Someone should have TOLD you how utterly full of kaa kaa you were..

    Oh wait!! *I* did!!! :D

  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:

    And ANOTHER gem from Victoria Troll.. :D

    At this point, there are millions of votes already cast, and patterns are emerging. For instance, there's always a gender gap between the number of women voters versus men voters, but I would wager there isn't a single poll in all those plethora of polls that is accurately reflecting the actual size. I also don't think the polling formulas are reflecting accurately the number of crossover votes of what I will refer to as the "Harris Republicans."
    -Victoria Troll

    Hay Victoria.. Where did all those "Harris Republicans" go!!???


    I guess they ALL voted for PRESIDENT Trump!!! :D

  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:

    And, of course, the fun game wouldn't be complete without hearing from Russ Troll... :D

    Trump is going to lose the vote. Big time! Holding a rally as a homage to the Nazi Party’s rally prior to WWII was a great choice! Calling PR a “floating island of garbage” was brilliant! Tell me again about the millions of non-white votes he’ll be gaining this election!
    -Russ Troll


    OK, Russ Troll... I am telling you AGAIN about MILLIONS of non-white voters PRESIDENT Trump will get... :D

    Millions and MILLIONS and MILLIONS of black American votes.. Millions and MILLIONS and MILLIONS of hispanic American votes...

    You were completely and utterly WRONG, Russ Troll... No wonder you aren't in Weigantia much anymore.. :D

    I love that you are still showing off your sense of humor by claiming Trump is going to win the election. Trump has never won the popular vote, even when he won the 2016 election Clinton had more than 3 million more votes cast for her. In 2020, Biden won the election with 6 million more votes. Harris is on track to pull even more votes than Biden did. Whose vote has Trump picked up for this election?
    -Russ Troll

    AND ANOTHER GEM from Russ Troll..

    "Whose vote has Trump picked up for this election?" you ask??

    Well, let's see... PRESIDENT Trump gained new voters in EVERY DEMOGRAPHIC...

    Let me repeat that for you, Russ Troll...

    PRESIDENT Trump.... GAINED.... NEW.... VOTERS.... IN.... ***EVERY***... DEMOGRAPHIC...

    How completely and utterly BRAIN DEAD do you have to be NOT to understand this, Russ Troll??

  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:

    More blood on the hands of Basement Biden and the brain dead Democrat Party...

    The immigration policies of President Biden and the brain dead woke progressive Democrat Party are failing the American people and putting lives at risk.

    The recent tragic case of David Hector Rivas-Sagastume, a Honduran illegal immigrant charged with the brutal murder of Camilia Williams, a 52-year-old grandmother in Georgia, starkly illustrates the consequences of these misguided policies.

    Apparently, SOME grandmothers in Weigantia don't give a damn about ANY OTHER grandmothers.. :eyeroll:

    Rivas-Sagastume was apprehended at the southern border in March 2021 and subsequently released into the U.S. despite having a deportation order since July 2023. This incident raises serious questions about the effectiveness and safety of the Basement Biden immigration system.

    The Biden administration's approach to immigration was to prioritize leniency and the rights of criminals over public safety and the rights of Americans, allowing individuals like Rivas-Sagastume to remain in the country despite their criminal backgrounds. The fact that he was able to commit such a heinous act after being released is a direct result of the brain dead Democrats' failure to enforce immigration laws and protect American citizens.

    This is not an isolated incident; it mirrors previous cases, such as the murder of Laken Riley, also killed by an illegal immigrant who had been released by border authorities. These tragedies highlight a disturbing pattern that cannot be ignored.

    Moreover, the Biden administration's response to criticism regarding its immigration policies has been dismissive and defensive. When a Boston mayor criticized the administration's deportation efforts, the Biden White House labeled him as "radical." This reaction demonstrates a troubling unwillingness to engage with legitimate concerns about public safety and the consequences of their policies. Instead of addressing the issues at hand, the administration seems more focused on protecting its image than on ensuring the safety of American citizens.

    The Democrat Party's immigration policies have created a dangerous environment where criminal illegal immigrants are allowed to roam free, posing a threat to communities across the nation. The prioritization of political correctness over public safety is unacceptable. The American people deserve better than to live in fear of violent crimes committed by individuals who should not be in the country in the first place.

    The immigration policies of the Biden administration and the Democratic Party are failing to protect American citizens. The tragic murder of Camilia Williams is a heartbreaking reminder of the consequences of these policies. It is imperative that we hold our leaders accountable and demand a return to a system that prioritizes the safety and security of the American people. The time for change is now, and we must ensure that our immigration policies reflect the values of safety, accountability, and justice for all.

    Hay Mezzomama… You were saying you are a grandmother and are concerned for the safety of your grandchildren..

    Here's ANOTHER grandmother who won't be able to SEE her grandchildren again.. Because the policies of YOUR brain dead Democrats got THIS grandmother killed..

    Get that!!?? The people that YOU support got this grandmother killed...

    But you don't CARE about that, do you!!???


    How ANYONE can support the brain dead Democrat Party is simply beyond understanding..

    Democrat Terrorism... Democrat incompetence gets Americans killed..

    And YA'ALL cheer it all on...


  29. [29] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    I find the Tesla thing very interesting. As they say one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Melakon is neither elected nor appointed by congress. His department was not created by congress. Many of his actions have been shot down by the courts and are blatantly unconstitutional. Generally the US has a fairly low rate of this sort of thing because we can mostly depend on the system for law and order. When that breaks down, and ho boy has that system broken down, many feel other actions need to be taken. Melakon is protected by both the power of the executive branch and his extreme wealth. He is untouchable. There is also the feeling that even if he was charged with a crime it would just be pardoned by Trump. Thumbing ones nose at the law, like Melakon is doing, is a double edged sword. Much like James Bond has a right to kill, but it's not just a right to kill but a right to kill or be killed. Melakon brings on lawlessness with his own lawlessness. He may be above the law, but he also has a kryptonite, his purchase of twitter heavily leveraged his Tesla stock to the point, as he has admitted himself, that a margin call would ruin him. It's thought that if the stock hits $50-60 a share, that is about where a margin call would happen and boom, no more Melakon. No money, no buying elections, no primarying those who defy him and Trump would likely give him a cold shoulder. Melakon brought this on himself. It's sad for those that have their Teslas vandalized but that tactic seems to be working. The extreme "laws" being executive ordered to protect a single company mixed with a good portion of the executive branch hawking cars from that single company shows Melakon sees his doom and is stressed. The federal government is not a an impersonal blublous mass, it's people with lives and debts and expenses. To focus on only Tesla owners being hurt while ignoring the lives being upended and in many cases ruined by Melakon's poorly thought out and executed government cuts is hypocrisy in the extreme...

  30. [30] 
    Michale wrote:

    As they say one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

    Only brain dead morons who are COMPLETELY and UTTERLY IGNORANT of what terrorism really is say that...

    That claim is simply a very weak and pathetic attempt to justify terrorism..

    So, it's no surprise that Bashit Troll said it...

  31. [31] 
    Michale wrote:


    Play stoopid games... Get stoopid prizes!! :D

  32. [32] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Only brain dead morons who are COMPLETELY and UTTERLY IGNORANT of what terrorism really is say that...

    So, yourself?

  33. [33] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ahh yes, the I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I rebuttal...

    What are you?? 6??? :eyeroll:

    I know, JL... I promised to stop using 'retarded', but Bashit Troll epitomizes the word..

    He IS retarded so I am simply stating a fact...

  34. [34] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Yawn. Have you declined so far that you are down to only ad hominems?

  35. [35] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Seems like ICE is cosplaying gestapo and the administration suppressing free speech.

    Bad cop. No donut.

  36. [36] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:
  37. [37] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    U.S. to revoke legal status of more than a half-million migrants, urges them to self deport

    So he's fine with those who seek to come to this country legally unless, of course, the numbers of his illegal immigrant deportations are not up to snuff. Then fuck 'em.

    What a demented old dumbass...

  38. [38] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:
  39. [39] 
    Michale wrote:


    BBC... Guardian... NY SLIMES CBS....

    You can't find ANY objective news sources???

    ALL you have is brain dead Democrat propaganda sites... :eyeroll:

    It's no wonder your brain dead Democrats are in such a large deep hole!!

  40. [40] 
    Michale wrote:

    Oh ANOTHER gem from Victoria Troll!! :D

    As I have stated many times, Trump has an uppermost ceiling of around/between 46% to 47%, and that has been the case for a long time and has not changed one scintilla.
    -Victoria Troll

    Looks like you were TOTALLY full of SHIT, Victoria Troll!!

    Not only did PRESIDENT Trump sweep *ALL* of the SWING States...


    As is PROVEN beyond ANY doubt, Victoria Troll..

    You are COMPLETELY and UTTERLY full of shit!!!

    The FACTS prove this beyond ANY doubt!!! :D

  41. [41] 
    Michale wrote:

    Still ANOTHER great gem from Victoria Troll!!! :D

    I'm going to be straight up with you versus blowing the smoke up your ass that you are apparently being fed by your right-wingnut fantasy media: Trump might finally "blow" (intentional wording) past his 46%-47% ceiling and garner around 48% nationally; however, it is highly unlikely that Trump will win the popular vote.
    -Victoria Troll

    Wow, Victoria Troll... You couldn't have been MORE WRONG if you tried!!! :D

    It's amazing that Victoria Troll actually thinks she has even a SCINTILLA of credibility!! :D

  42. [42] 
    Michale wrote:

    OK, now we need to hear from the dishonorably discharged druggie child rapist.. Who is probably stoned off his ass at this moment...

    Nope, Trump won’t break 45%. He and the Republicans suck hard.
    -Dishonorably Discharged Druggie Child Rapist

    Texas will turn blue before a Repug presidential candidate breaks 20% with the black electorate.
    -Dishonorably Discharged Druggie Child Rapist

    Harris appears to have won 80 percent of the Black vote, according to an exit poll by The Associated Press.

    But that’s a drop of 10 percentage points compared with 2020 when the current president, Joe Biden, won nine of 10 Black votes.

    The beneficiary? Trump, who won 20 percent of the Black vote this time, according to the exit poll. He had won 13 percent of the community’s vote in 2020 and 8 percent in 2016 — which in itself was the highest level of support by Black voters for any Republican since George W Bush in 2000.

    Cad, Cad, Cad...

    Once again, you are PROVEN to be full of shit....

    Your OWN words PROVE that you are completely and UTTERLY full of shit! :D

  43. [43] 
    Michale wrote:

    Nah. Trump has spent eight years NOT appealing to anyone WHATSOEVER outside his base. Like Dubya he left behind a bigly mess for Dems to clean up. There’s been J6 and Dobbs and fascist talk from this loser. The House GOP was a shit show, and even Iowa is in play !?! So to improve on 2020’s results, where are they going to get the votes?
    -Dishonorably Discharged Druggie Child Rapist

    IOWA is in play!!???


    Did you ACTUALLY post that, Cad!!???

    You **ACTUALLY** thought that Iowa was in play!!???


    How utterly MORONIC can you be!!???

    Early voting shows women outvoting men 55% - 45% even though Repugs are pushing early voting. Young voters coming out in droves. Does anyone believe they’re coming out to vote Republican?
    -Dishonorably Discharged Druggie Child Rapist

    Uh.. yes.. That is EXACTLY what they were doing!! They were coming out to vote for PRESIDENT Trump!!! :D

    How can you be so UTTERLY WRONG about everything, Cad??


  44. [44] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Michale - [39]

    Ad hominems of many flavors. Pathetic. Listing the BBC as a left wing rag takes what shred of credibility you pretend to have and tosses that sucker right out the window.

    Extremely hypocritical considering you hide behind your sources.

    What are you afraid of?

  45. [45] 
    Michale wrote:

    The polls are baloney and Harris will win and it won’t be that close. I’m watching Trump live right now and he’s describing an American hellscape that doesn’t exist. Is he counting on black men?
    -Dishonorably Discharged Druggie Child Rapist

    Well, I have to give you SOME credit, Cad..

    You WERE right about it not even being close!!! :D

    I have to also give you credit for actually showing up and taking your well-deserved lumps....

    So, there is that.. :D

  46. [46] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    That right-woke brain worm of yours really has you foaming at the mouth. You have descended into a hateful clown, just like Trump...

  47. [47] 
    Michale wrote:

    Since I am going on and on (and on and on :D) about comments BEFORE the election...

    It's only fair that we revisit MY comments before the election.. :D

    Of course.. I am not saying that 2024 is going to be exactly the same as 1980, vote for vote..

    While history seldom repeats itself... History has been known to, on MANY occasions, rhyme.

    What I AM saying is that it's not going to be a razor thin win for President Trump. It's going to be a blow-out win for President Trump where it's going to be indisputable and it won't drag out for days or weeks, but rather we should know by this time tomorrow, if not sooner..


    There was simply NO WAY that Headboard Harris could have won..

    SIMPLY.... NO..... WAY....

    All of ya'all that thought Headboard Harris actually had a shot at winning??

    You were delusional...

    "These are the facts of the case. And they are undisputed.."
    -Captain Smilin' Jack Ross, A FEW GOOD MEN

  48. [48] 
    Michale wrote:

    And the state of Maine caves to PRESIDENT Trump!!! :D

    The recent decision by Maine universities to comply with the PRESIDENT Trump administration's demands regarding transgender athletes in women's sports marks a significant shift in the ongoing debate over gender identity and athletic competition. This move, supported by Governor Janet Mills, reflects a broader trend of political pressure influencing educational institutions, particularly in the realm of sports.

    The University of Maine System's announcement that it would adhere to Title IX regulations by restricting women's sports to biological females is a response to an executive order from PRESIDENT Trump. This order has reignited discussions about the fairness of allowing transgender women—individuals assigned male at birth—to compete in women's sports. The administration's stance, as articulated by PRESIDENT Trump on Truth Social, emphasizes the need for a clear and unequivocal apology from Governor Mills for her previous comments on the matter, further illustrating the political stakes involved.

    The pressure exerted by the federal government, including the threat of losing federal funding, has forced Maine's universities to prioritize compliance over Democrat faux science.

    This is one of those 80/20 issues that brain dead Democrats are on the 20% side of the issue...

  49. [49] 
    Michale wrote:

    Judges uncorked

    Chief Justice Roberts should worry less about impeachment charges going no where and more about district judges who have been forum shopped and are massively overstepping their role.

    This latest ruling to ban DOGE from reviewing Social Security information to find fraud is nonsense. The government can and should review all its data for possible fraud — this is not a search warrant — this is data in its possession that modern data analysis can analyze effectively. And the department routinely hires consultants who have access to this information. Rather than demanding privacy safeguards, which might have made sense, the judge barred all review of social security data to hunt down fraud. It’s time for Roberts to step in here and put some guardrails on what these lone judges can do as they are routinely exercising vast powers far in excess of what is reasonable.
    -Democrat Advisor Mark Penn

    Justice Roberts is setting up the courts to fail...

    The LAW and the US Constitution and even some DEMOCRATS are all on PRESIDENT Trump's side...

  50. [50] 
    Michale wrote:

    Since Weigantia is, ostensibly, a "reality based" forum.....

    When are we going to see some commentary about the dismal state of the brain dead Democrat Party??

    The current state of the brain dead Democrat Party is alarming, as evidenced by recent polling data that reveals a significant decline in public favorability. With only 27% of registered voters viewing the party positively, the brain dead Democrats find themselves at their lowest approval ratings since 1990. This decline is not merely a statistical anomaly; it reflects a deeper crisis within the party, one that is characterized by an overwhelming focus on opposing PRESIDENT Trump rather than presenting a coherent and positive policy agenda.

    Senator Chris Murphy's candid admission that the brain dead Democrat Party is ONLY concerned with obstructing the GOP agenda underscores this troubling reality. Instead of seeking common ground or compromise, many within the party seem more interested in fighting against PRESIDENT Trump and his supporters. This approach, as indicated by recent polls, is not resonating with the American voters. A significant portion of Democrat voters prefers to maintain their positions even if it leads to legislative gridlock, suggesting a willingness to prioritize opposition over progress.

    The implications of this mindset are profound. The brain dead Democrat Party appears to be losing its identity, becoming a vessel for anti PRESIDENT Trump sentiment rather than a champion of progressive values. This is reminiscent of the Whig Party's demise, which ultimately became irrelevant as it failed to adapt to the changing political landscape. If the Democrats continue down this path, they risk becoming a historical footnote, remembered only for their inability to connect with the American public.

    Moreover, the brain dead Democrat Party leadership appears to be out of touch with the values and aspirations of a majority of voters. Polls indicate that figures like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Kamala Harris, and Bernie Sanders—who represent a more radical leftist agenda—are seen as the best representatives of the party. This is concerning, as it suggests that the brain dead Democrat Party is moving further away from the center, alienating moderate voters who may be crucial for electoral success.

    As the Republican Party rallies around PRESIDENT Trump and his agenda, enjoying rising approval ratings and a sense of unity, the brain dead Democrats are floundering. The lack of a positive vision or constructive leadership is evident, and without a significant shift in strategy, the party's future looks bleak. The brain dead Democrat Party must urgently reassess its priorities and seek to articulate a compelling agenda that resonates with the American people. Otherwise, it risks fading into obscurity, much like the Whigs before them. The time for introspection and self-reflection is now, or the party will find itself permanently sidelined in the political arena.

    That is the state of ya'all's Democrat Party in the here and now..

    And you people only have yerselves to blame...

  51. [51] 
    Michale wrote:

    Brain dead Democrats simply cannot comprehend how their policies are affecting young girls..

    The anguish and mental stress Democrats inflict on these poor girls is simply heartbreaking... But brain dead Democrats don't care...

    The experiences of young girls like Cassidy Carlisle highlight the profound hurt and anguish that can arise from policies allowing biological males to compete in women's sports. For many girls, sports are not just a pastime; they are a vital part of their identity, a source of empowerment, and a space where they can build confidence and camaraderie. However, when these girls are forced to share locker rooms and compete against biological males, it can lead to feelings of vulnerability, confusion, and defeat.

    Cassidy's story is a poignant example of this struggle. At just 12 years old, she found herself in a locker room with a male student, an experience that left her feeling uncomfortable and uncertain. The pressure to conform to school policies, which prioritized inclusivity over the feelings of young girls, made her feel trapped. She recalls being told that avoiding the situation could result in being late to class, a clear indication that her discomfort was secondary to the administration's brain dead Democrat agenda. This moment marked the beginning of her realization that something was fundamentally wrong, yet she felt powerless to voice her concerns.

    As she progressed through her athletic career, the impact of these policies became even more pronounced. When she learned that she would be competing against a male athlete in Nordic skiing, the emotional toll was overwhelming. The defeat she felt upon realizing she would face someone with physical advantages was heartbreaking. It was not just about losing a race; it was about the loss of a fair playing field, the very essence of competition that sports are built upon. The shock of this reality left her grappling with feelings of inadequacy and frustration.

    Moreover, the societal pressure to remain silent about these experiences only exacerbated her anguish. As a high school student, Cassidy was acutely aware of the potential backlash she could face for speaking out. The fear of being ridiculed or ostracized for expressing her concerns about fairness in sports created a chilling effect, silencing many young girls who might otherwise share their stories. This silence is a heavy burden to bear, as it prevents them from advocating for their rights and the integrity of their sports.

    The emotional impact of these policies extends beyond the individual experiences of athletes like Cassidy. It reflects a broader societal issue where the voices of young girls are often overshadowed by political agendas. The inclusion of transgender athletes in women's sports, while rooted in a desire for equality, can inadvertently marginalize the very individuals it aims to support. The anguish felt by these girls is a reminder that policies must consider the diverse perspectives and experiences of all athletes.

    As Cassidy took her concerns to the public, participating in protests and speaking out against the policies that hurt her and her peers, she became a beacon of hope for many. Her courage to stand up for what she believes in is commendable, but it also underscores the urgent need for a dialogue that prioritizes the voices of young female athletes. The conversation surrounding transgender inclusion in sports must evolve to ensure that the rights and feelings of all athletes are respected and valued.

    So, children.. Let's recap...

    The hurt and anguish experienced by young girls like Cassidy Carlisle due to policies allowing male athletes to compete in women's sports cannot be overlooked. Their stories deserve to be heard, and their experiences must inform the ongoing discussions about fairness, inclusion, and the future of women's sports. It is essential to create an environment where all athletes can thrive, free from the fear of losing their opportunities and identities in the pursuit of equality.

    But brain dead Democrats are more interested in pushing the agenda then in the feelings and safety of young girls..

  52. [52] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    Not to be a crank, but I do object to Bernie Sanders getting the co-MIDOTW award along with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Because, although we all know what you mean, Bernie is just not a Democrat. He could be, if he wanted to, you know.

    But he doesn't. He says he's an Independent, and he calls himself a Democratic Socialist. Sure, he caucuses with the Senate Democrats because what else could he do in the context of Senate operations, but he himself is not a 'Democrat' in the sense that the MIDTOW award intends.

    Sorry, but just change that.

    On the other hand, I appreciate the rant about Social Security. Just tonight, my wife was expressing her understanding, as she put it, of what Trump and Musk were trying to do in terms of reducing federal bureaucratic inefficiencies, even as she deflects that she doesn't care for Trump or Musk in terms of their style. "But just don't touch Social Security", she concluded. Hmmm... I didn't dare to break her heart, but she's going to hear the news sooner or later.

  53. [53] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    The ONLY reason that the fact that SILENCE GIVES ASSENT.... is annoying to you is because it is dead on ballz accurate..

    quite the opposite. it's annoying because it's false, and you know it's false.

  54. [54] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    I mean, if you were really ignorant enough to believe it actually WERE accurate, that would be a different story. but you're bright enough to know better, so it's just annoying, as i'm sure it was intended to be.

  55. [55] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    I promised to stop using 'retarded', but Bashit Troll epitomizes the word..

    He IS retarded so I am simply stating a fact...

    no, mental retardation (or as I think they call it now, cognitive delay), is a neurological condition experienced by a very vulnerable population. using that term to describe someone who disagrees with you politically is very disappointing. you are not off the hook for breaking your promise, no matter how foolish you think someone is.


  56. [56] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    You have descended into a hateful clown, just like Trump...

    Cho’mo must have been interesting back in the day for you to stick with him this long. I got here five years ago and found him and Don Harris to be the whacko troll twins, as neither engaged in good faith.

    Dear Leader is a dick and that seems to have encouraged cho’mo to act likewise. With the maturity of a Middle School bully. That’s why I scroll.

  57. [57] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Not to mention that since he ignores many of my links or tries to discount them by questioning the source, does that mean he assents to all of them? An interesting thought. Or is it purely unidirectional? Some day Michale will have to publish his rules of rhetoric so we can see just how hypocritical they are.

    Though to both the name calling and the new condescending rhetorical flourishes, I just find hilarious. By doing so, Michale demonstrates how much of a clown he has become. Does anyone actually take it seriously? The rabid foaming at the mouth name calling is like a bad tempered toddler that wants a toy...

  58. [58] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:


    He used to be able to come up with much more coherent arguments that were backed up by links and a semblance of research. As well as considerably fewer slurs and a wider variety of logical fallacies...

  59. [59] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    John M from Ct. -

    I agree on Bernie. When I moved to the PNW and had to re-register to vote I decided to go independent because of both Bernie and Trump in 2016. Both tried to waltz in and take over the party without putting in the work. One succeeded, the other put in a good try but in the end it seemed to me what is the point of political parties if they can be derailed and taken over so easily?

  60. [60] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Bernie did not take over the party. IMO he would have given Dems victory in 2016 and 2024. Misogyny hurt both women and racism hurt Kamala, sure. But both were Establishment Democrats who did NOT talk about undoing Reaganism. More of the same just didn’t motivate blue voters to turn out.

    We’ll never know if proposing a $15USD Minimum Wage or legalizing weed would have killed Kamala. But we do know it would have killed the Democratic donor class. It wasn’t the messaging STYLE so much that hurt Democrats it was the SUBSTANCE of their messaging.

    There’s no way to undo the forty some years of damage done to The American Dream by Reaganism than to completely undo all the #NoMillionaireLeftBehind tax cuts.

  61. [61] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    American GDP increased at the highest rates when the top marginal rate was 91% — “that’s one for you and ten for me…

    Restoring these rates will also vastly reduce the motivation for shaky financial ventures like CDOs and 2007, remember?

  62. [62] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:


    I disagree he would have won 2016. I view Bernie as the lefts Ron Paul. Hyper popular online but not so much in the real world. Like Ron Paul he is so dedicated to his principles that he has really not got much done in his long congressional career. Also, he never really got ahead of his self-described democratic socialist label. The problem I see is he would not have run against Trump but against every derogatory thing Ronald Reagan ever said about socialists to which there is quite the plethora...

  63. [63] 
    Michale wrote:


    quite the opposite. it's annoying because it's false, and you know it's false.

    It is not false no matter how any times you claim it is...

    The entirety of the brain dead Democrat Party has built an entire cottage industry around SILENCE IS XXXXXX....

    Silence is assent...

    Silence is violence...

    etc etc etc..

    If I thought there was a snowball's chance in hell of you actually accepting the facts, I would list ALL of the instances of Democrats using the concept of SILENCE IS xxxxxx…

    But you are so ingrained in your TRUMP/AMERICA hate and PTDS, there is simply no way you would accept the facts..

    So, I don't even bother..

    But make no mistake.. Democrats had built an entire cottage industry of claiming that SILENCE means a lot of different things when, more often than not, silence simply doesn't mean anything..

  64. [64] 
    Michale wrote:

    using that term to describe someone who disagrees with you politically is very disappointing.

    And, once again, you give every else who uses similar terms against people who simply disagree with them politically a pass..

    That's why I don't put much stock in it..

    Like the Trump Hate, Like the Bezos Hate, like the Elon hate...

    It's ALL nothing but political bigotry..

    How do we know this??

    We know this because before they became what they are today, ya'all LOVED Trump... LOVED Bezos... LOVED Elon...

    These facts are well documented...

  65. [65] 
    Michale wrote:

    You people go on and on hysterically about impeaching Odumbo judges..

    Yet all of ya'all went hysterical about impeaching SCOTUS judges when they got rid of Roe v Wade..

    Which simply prove the hypocrisy... AGAIN..

    Ya'all LOVE pushing to impeach judges..

    As long as it's the RIGHT judges...

    As per ya'all's norm... Ya'all accuse the GOP of what you and your brain dead Democrats are guilty of..

    Hypocrisy. It's not a bug in Democrat programming.. It's a feature...

  66. [66] 
    italyrusty wrote:

    BashiBazouk [37]

    And you may know that this is leading to cries of "I didn't think the leopard would eat MY face!!!"

    'Several Venezuelan organizations gathered at restaurant El Arepazo in Doral to address their concerns and send a message to Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem: "We are not criminals."'

  67. [67] 
    Michale wrote:

    Jesus Christ, do you people read ANY other news sources besides brain dead Democrat propaganda sites!!!???

    It's no wonder ya'all have such a frak'ed brain dead viewpoint!!!


  68. [68] 
    Michale wrote:

    "And if you don't stop saying we're criminals, WE'LL BURN DOWN YOUR HOUSES!!!!"
    -Venezuelan Organizations


  69. [69] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, let's revisit the blatant hypocrisy of the brain dead Democrats and their hysterical whining and crying about PRESIDENT Trump pushing for the impeachment of Odumbo judges, yet those same hysterical brain dead Democrats were all about impeaching SCOTUS Justices after they tore down Roe v Wade...

    The hypocrisy of the brain dead Democrat Party regarding judicial impeachment is glaring and cannot be overlooked. For years, brain dead Democrats have been vocal about their desire to impeach Supreme Court justices, particularly after the fall of Roe v. Wade. They have threatened one-sided impeachments of GOP-appointed justices, all while decrying any similar calls from the Right as an attack on judicial independence. This double standard and blatant hypocrisy is not only disingenuous but also undermines the integrity of our judicial system.

    Take, for instance, the recent calls from Republicans to impeach Judge James Boasberg, who blocked Donald Trump’s deportation of Venezuelan migrants. The outrage from brain dead Democrats is palpable, yet it rings hollow when we consider their own history. Just last year, high-profile Democrats like Occasional Cortex and Senator Ron Wyden openly called for the impeachment of justices like Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas.

    Where was the outrage then? Chief Justice John Roberts, in a rare move, issued a statement rebuking calls for Boasberg’s impeachment, yet he remained silent when Democrats were making similar demands against his fellow justices. This selective outrage is a clear indication of the partisan game being played. And if it's all about partisan politics, then it's not ANY kind of valid pronouncement...

    The brain dead Democrats’ narrative that they are the guardians of judicial integrity while simultaneously pushing for the impeachment of justices based on political disagreements is fundamentally flawed and utterly without any merit whatsoever.

    It creates a dangerous precedent where the judiciary becomes a pawn in the political arena, undermining its independence. The calls for impeachment should not be weaponized for political gain, regardless of which party is making them.

    Moreover, this hypocrisy fuels a cycle of retaliation that threatens to destabilize our political system. As legal scholar Josh Blackman pointed out, the current climate of outrage and calls for impeachment from both sides only exacerbates tensions.

    It creates an environment where the Right feels justified in responding with their own extreme measures, leading to a tit-for-tat escalation that benefits no one.

    So, children.. What have we learned??

    The brain dead Democrat Party must be held accountable for their hypocrisy regarding judicial impeachment. They cannot simultaneously condemn the Right for wanting to impeach judges while having engaged in similar behavior themselves. It is time for both parties to recognize the importance of judicial independence and to refrain from using impeachment as a political tool. The integrity of our judicial system depends on it.

    In short...

    "If ya wouldn't START none, there wouldn't BE none!!"
    -Will Smith

  70. [70] 
    Michale wrote:

    And still ANOTHER comment on how bad things are for the brain dead Democrat Party...

    I know, I know... But in my defense, there are SOO MANY facts out there that prove again and again how brain dead the Democrat Party really is..

    Give this, I have taken it upon myself to bring REALITY back to this former "reality based" forum...

    Sue me...

    The current state of the Democrat Party is alarming, and many are beginning to question whether it can survive in its current form.

    As Charlamagne tha God aptly pointed out, the party is in disarray, lacking leadership and a coherent message. With only 21% of voters approving of Democrats in Congress...

    Get that!!??? ***TEWNTY ONE PERCENT*** approval rating for Congressional Democrats!!!

    …. the party is facing an unprecedented crisis. This decline can largely be attributed to the overwhelming focus on Trump/America hate and PTDS rather than addressing the pressing issues that affect everyday Americans.

    For years, the Democrat Party prided itself on being the champion of the working class, the disenfranchised, and the voiceless. However, this mission has been overshadowed by President Trump Derangement Syndrome (PTDS). Instead of engaging in meaningful discussions about rising costs of living, public safety, and education, brain dead woke progressive Democrat leaders have redirected their energy toward attacking PRESIDENT Trump’s administration and committing domestic terrorism against Elon Musk and TESLA. This has resulted in a COMPLETE abandonment of the bread-and-butter issues that once defined the party.

    The far-left wing of the party has further complicated matters, pushing “woke” initiatives that alienate traditional liberals who believe in pragmatic solutions. Many old-school liberals are left wondering what happened to the party they once supported, and they now see PRESIDENT Trump as the catalyst for change in this country. The brain dead woke progressive Democrat Party’s current platform seems to revolve solely around “We hate Trump” which is not a sustainable or appealing message for voters. But it's the ONLY message this current brain dead Democrat Party has.. :eyeroll:

    As PRESIDENT Trump continues to deliver on his promises and achieve significant milestones, the brain dead Democrats risk being left in the wilderness. The party’s fixation on hate and bigotry and intolerance rather than constructive policy is a death sentence for brain dead Democrat Party that has no future.

    If the Democrats do not pivot back to addressing the real concerns of their constituents (which everyone knows brain dead Democrats CANNOT do) they may find themselves in a position from which the Democrat Party will never recover. The implosion of the Democratic Party, fueled by its obsession with PRESIDENT Trump, could mark the end of an era for a once-great political institution.

    The end of the Democrat Party... Ya'all KNEW this is how it was going to go...

    And ya'all only have yerselves to blame..

  71. [71] 
    Michale wrote:

    There IS a Constitutional Crisis brewing..

    But it's a crisis caused by progressives in our government who are trying to protect the administrative state that holds no allegiance to the American voters...

    The emergence of an administrative state that operates above politics and democracy poses significant dangers to the very fabric of American governance. This situation has escalated to a point where the federal judiciary appears to be engaging in a judicial coup d'état, undermining the authority of the ELECTED Executive Branch. The recent flurry of injunctions and restraining orders against the PRESIDENT Trump administration highlights this alarming trend, as unelected judges assert control over critical policy areas such as immigration, military enlistment, and foreign aid.

    The sheer volume of judicial interventions against PRESIDENT Trump —more in a single month than during Biden's entire four-year term— illustrates a troubling shift in power dynamics. These actions are not merely legal decisions; they represent an attempt to usurp the President's constitutional authority and maintain the status quo of the administrative state, an unelected bureaucracy that has long operated with little or no accountability. This administrative state, often aligned with progressive ideologies, has effectively supplanted the political branches of government, rendering elections and the will of the people largely irrelevant.

    Historically, the roots of this administrative state can be traced back to the New Deal and the progressive era, where figures like Woodrow Wilson advocated for a separation of governance from public opinion. Wilson's vision of a neutral, expert-driven bureaucracy was intended to insulate government from the perceived inefficiencies of democratic processes. However, this separation has led to a system where policy decisions are made by bureaucrats who are not accountable to voters, creating a disconnect between the government and the governed.

    The implications of this administrative state are profound. When political questions, such as immigration policy, are delegated to unelected bureaucrats, the electorate loses its voice. The bureaucracy operates under its own agenda, often ignoring the mandates of elected officials. This has been starkly illustrated by the immigration system, where the failure of Congress to address the issue has allowed bureaucrats to implement policies that contradict the expressed will of the people.

    The judiciary's role in this dynamic cannot be overstated. By issuing injunctions that protect the administrative state from presidential authority, judges are not merely interpreting the law; they are actively participating in a political struggle. This has been exacerbated by a lack of checks from the Supreme Court, which has allowed lower court judges to operate with impunity. The result is a judiciary that is increasingly seen as a partisan actor rather than a neutral arbiter of justice.

    As PRESIDENT Trump attempts to reclaim control of the Executive Branch, he faces formidable resistance from both the judiciary and the entrenched bureaucracy. This struggle is not just about one administration; it is a critical battle for the future of American democracy. If the administrative state continues to operate above politics, it will undermine the principles of republican governance that the Founding Fathers envisioned.

    The dangers of an unaccountable administrative state are clear: it erodes public trust, diminishes the role of elected representatives, and ultimately threatens the very essence of democracy. For the sake of restoring the balance of power and ensuring that the voice of the people is heard, it is imperative that this fight against the administrative state is won. Only then can we hope to reestablish a government that is truly accountable to its citizens, where public opinion and the consent of the governed are paramount.

    ^^^^^^ THIS is the kind of commentaries we USED to have here in Weigantia circa 2010...

    It's sad that we don't see the likes of these kinds of commentaries anymore..

    These days it's all TRUMP/AMERICA hate and all PTDS all the time..

    "..tis sad, tis true... tis true, tis sad..."

  72. [72] 
    Michale wrote:

    A former enemy law firm of PRESIDENT Trump's bends the knee and agrees to become a PRO AMERICA law firm..

    This information comes from HuffPoop*

    I applaud the actions of Paul Weiss Law Firm in agreeing to impose pro-America guidelines in its operations, particularly in the face of significant pressure from the PRESIDENT Trump administration. This decision reflects a crucial moment in the ongoing struggle between the principles of democracy and the encroachment of autocratic governance. By choosing to align with pro-American values, Paul Weiss is taking a stand that prioritizes the interests of the nation over partisan politics.

    The firm’s history of championing civil rights and social justice is commendable, and it is heartening to see it navigate such a challenging landscape. However, their willingness to adapt and impose guidelines that resonate with the current administration’s focus on accountability and transparency is a necessary step in preserving the integrity of their operations. In a time when many institutions are bending to the will of political pressures, Paul Weiss’s actions signal a commitment to uphold the values that define America.

    The decision to provide $40 million in pro bono services to the administration, while controversial, can be viewed as an opportunity for the firm to engage constructively with the government. This engagement can foster dialogue and collaboration that may ultimately benefit the broader community. By aligning with pro-America guidelines, Paul Weiss is not only protecting its interests but also reinforcing the importance of civic responsibility in the legal profession.

    Moreover, the firm’s actions serve as a reminder that the legal community has a vital role to play in shaping the future of our democracy. By standing firm in their commitment to the rule of law and the principles of justice, Paul Weiss can help counteract the divisive narratives that threaten to undermine our democratic institutions.

    So, children... Let's recap...

    While the path forward may be fraught with challenges, Paul Weiss’s decision to impose pro-America guidelines is a commendable step toward ensuring that the legal profession remains a pillar of democracy. It is a call to action for other institutions to prioritize the common good over individual interests, reinforcing the notion that true leadership requires courage and a commitment to the values that unite us as a nation.

    Congrats to the Paul Weiss Law Firm for it's steadfast commitment to the American dream!

    * You see, people?? THAT is how you expand your reading repertoire to get at REAL and ACTUAL facts!!! Your brains have been rotted by reading NOTHING but propaganda... It's no wonder ya'all are so brain-dead... :eyeroll:

  73. [73] 
    Michale wrote:

    Always a fun target for blatant brain dead Democrat hypocrisy???

    The environmentalist Democrat... :D

    The recent actions of environmentalist Democrats reveal a staggering hypocrisy that undermines the very principles of environmentalism they claim to champion.

    As climate activists engage in violent protests against Tesla vehicles, they are not only betraying their supposed commitment to sustainability but also engaging in acts that are detrimental to the environment itself. This "orgy of liberal cannibalism" (credit to Chadwick Moore) showcases a troubling trend where the left eats its own, prioritizing ideological purity over genuine and rational environmental stewardship.

    In a shocking display of hypocrisy, while these activists attack Tesla —once heralded as a beacon of green technology— they simultaneously support projects that devastate the environment. For instance, the Brazilian city of Belém is paving over vast areas of protected rainforest to accommodate climate activists attending the COP30 climate summit. This destruction contradicts the very essence of environmentalism, which seeks to protect such vital ecosystems. Similarly, in the UK, plans to bulldoze pristine countryside for solar farms highlight a disturbing trend where the pursuit of renewable energy comes at the expense of existing natural habitats.

    And in an even MORE shocking display of hypocrisy, California Democrats are pushing to mine lithium in Death Valley National Park, home to endangered species, to support electric vehicle mandates. This reckless disregard for biodiversity in the name of green energy is a clear indication that the environmentalist agenda has become more about political posturing and virtue signaling than actual ecological preservation.

    The hypocrisy extends to the rhetoric surrounding these actions. Celebrating the vandalism of Tesla vehicles, as seen in the reactions from public figures, reveals a troubling acceptance of terrorism and violence as a means to an end. This is not the behavior of true environmentalists; it is a betrayal of the movement's core values.

    So, children. What have you learned??

    The actions of environmentalist Democrats illustrate a profound and disturbing disconnect between their virtue-signaling rhetoric and the actual OBJECTIVE REALITY.

    By engaging in terroristic behavior and supporting environmentally harmful projects, they undermine the very cause they claim to champion. It is time for a reevaluation of what true environmentalism means, free from the blatant and obvious hypocrisy that currently plagues the movement.


  74. [74] 
    Michale wrote:

    Bernie Sanders has been fighting this good fight for a long time now. A.O.C. is just beginning her career as a political fighter. But they both have a very powerful message. Give people a reason to vote for Democrats. Show them that there are better ideas than what we've got now. And above all, fight for them.

    For showing other Democrats what they all should be doing right about now, Bernie and A.O.C. are easily the winners of this week's Most Impressive Democrat Of The Week award. To be fair, there are a few other Democrats out there fighting as well, but Bernie and A.O.C. seem to be leading the pack right now.

    You DO realize that Democrats have already passed judgement on Bernie Sanders' and Occasional Cortex's style of government, right??

    There ain't NO WAY that this country will elect a brain dead woke progressive bartender as POTUS...

    What IS it about brain dead woke progressive Democrats that they insist on trying the same thing over and over again and hoping for a different result..


  75. [75] 
    Michale wrote:


    ALWAYS a fun game to play... :D

    I think abortion, climate change and legalizing weed will get ‘em out to the polls. Again, has anybody heard of any ANY demographic moving Trump’s way? Where is he going to get the votes?
    -Dishonorably Discharged Druggie Child Rapist

    Where is PRESIDENT Trump going to get the votes??

    From black Americans.. From Hispanic Americans. From women of ALL races... From former Democrats.. From the youths of America... From the seniors of America...

    Pretty much EVERY DEMOGRAPHIC increased their votes for PRESIDENT Trump!! :D

    Now... Tell me honestly... Don't you feel like the COMPLETE and UTTER idjut you are?? :D

    I agree. But when was the last time ANY of these critically-important topics was mentioned in a talking point? Sadly, it seems to me that CW has been infected with "Trump derangement syndrome" and is unable to focus on anything else.

    Well, no shit sherlock... I have been telling you people that since Jun of 2015...

    2025 Weigantia is ALL TRUMP/AMERICA HATE... ALL PTDS.... ALL THE TIME...


    Au contraire, this will make an OVERWHELMING difference politically when Donold starts getting sentenced. Coming soon — and I’m glad I’m notJudge Marchan right about now.
    -Dishonorably Discharged Druggie Child Rapist

    How did that "sentencing" work out for ya, Druggie?? :D


  76. [76] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Jesus Christ, do you people read ANY other news sources besides brain dead Democrat propaganda sites!!!???

    Do you? Oh, that's right your too chicken to post links to what you post...

    Maybe you should apply your slurs to yourself.

  77. [77] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:


  78. [78] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:


    Cubans, farmers, vintners, whiskey makers and now that spring is here we will see how bad it's going to be for the construction industry. The leopards will be looking like Jabba the Hut after all the faces they will be feasting on...

  79. [79] 
    Michale wrote:

    Let's talk about shit-hole brain dead Democrat cities..


    I had to put this in emphasis because a brain dead moron here in Weigantia obviously can't read plain english... :eyeroll:

    3rd world shit hole Portland, Oregon, once celebrated for its vibrant culture and progressive values, now finds itself grappling with a myriad of challenges that reflect a failure by brain dead Democrats to adequately care for its citizens. The city’s post-pandemic recovery has been completely sluggish and incompetent, revealing deep-seated issues that have only worsened over the past five years. As the city struggles to regain its footing, it becomes increasingly clear that the local government has neglected the very people it is meant to serve.

    Brain dead Democrats incapable of competent governance.. It's the same story over and over again..

    The pandemic exposed and exacerbated existing problems, such as rising homelessness, rampant crime, and total economic stagnation. While other cities have rebounded and are flourishing, Portland has lagged behind, with many storefronts remaining empty and pedestrian traffic significantly reduced. The once-thriving downtown area has become a shadow of its former self, with a staggering 36% drop in foot traffic compared to pre-pandemic levels. This decline is not merely a consequence of the pandemic; it is indicative of a broader failure by brain dead Democrats to address the needs of the community.

    Moreover, the city’s completely inadequate response to the challenges it faces has been lackluster and totally devoid of ANY effectiveness whatsoever. While there have been some efforts to revitalize the area, such as the renovation of the Portland International Airport and plans for new public markets, these initiatives are completely failing to counteract the pervasive sense of neglect. The city has failed to implement effective strategies to combat homelessness and rampant crime, leaving many residents feeling unsafe, unsupported and totally without ANY semblance of effective governance.

    The hypocrisy of Portland’s brain dead Democrat leadership is particularly glaring. While the city touts its progressive values and commitment to social justice, it has allowed the very fabric of its community to fray. The focus on high-profile projects and initiatives often overshadows the urgent need for basic services and support for vulnerable populations. This disconnect between rhetoric and reality has led to a growing disillusionment among residents, many of whom have chosen to leave the city in search of better opportunities and living conditions.

    So, children.. What have we learned???

    Portland’s struggles serve as a stark reminder of the consequences of brain dead Democrats neglecting the needs of citizens. The brain dead Democrat city’s failure to address homelessness, rampant crime, and economic stagnation reflects a broader systemic issue that must be confronted. If Portland is to reclaim its status as a vibrant and welcoming city, it must prioritize the well-being of its residents and take meaningful action to address the challenges they face. Only then can it hope to emerge from the shadows of its pandemic-era wounds and build a brighter future for all.

    And THIS comes from a major Oregon newspaper THE OREGONIAN....

  80. [80] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Somehow I seriously doubt that is anywhere close to verbatim. Post a link so I can see what they really said. Or are you both incompetent and chicken...

  81. [81] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    Test. Test. Maybe the third will be the charm.

  82. [82] 
    Michale wrote:

    As PRESIDENT Trump triumphantly returns to Philadelphia, it serves as a powerful reminder of the political landscape in Pennsylvania and the Democrats' miscalculation in their belief that they could secure the state. Once considered a stronghold for the Democrat Party, Pennsylvania has become a battleground where Trump’s influence is absolute.

    His appearance at the NCAA wrestling championships is not just a strategic move; it symbolizes his enduring connection with the hardworking citizens of the state, particularly those outside the urban centers.

    Democrats, including Vice President Kamala Harris, thought they could dominate Pennsylvania, especially in Philadelphia, often referred to as the City of Brotherly Love.

    However, the reality is that while Harris may have won the city, it was Trump who captured the hearts of many in the surrounding areas. The divide between the urban and rural populations in Pennsylvania has only grown sharper, with PRESIDENT Trump’s supporters feeling increasingly alienated from the political elite.

    The wrestling community, which embodies hard work and dedication, resonates with Trump’s message of resilience and determination. These athletes, who train tirelessly without the promise of lucrative contracts, reflect the values that many of Trump’s supporters admire. The enthusiasm for Trump among wrestling fans at the championships underscores his ability to connect with everyday Americans, contrasting sharply with the Democrats' reliance on urban votes.

    As PRESIDENT Trump returns to Pennsylvania, it is clear that the brain dead Democrats underestimated his appeal and the strength of his support in the state. The wrestling event not only showcases his popularity but also highlights the growing divide between the two political factions. While Democrats may have thought they could secure Pennsylvania through urban dominance, PRESIDENT Trump’s enduring presence and the loyalty of his supporters reveal a different narrative—one where hard work, dedication, and a connection to the people ultimately prevail.

    Wait a tic... Didn't ya'all say that Headboard Harris would win ALL of the Blue Wall???

    What happened???

    As an aside to brain dead Bashit Troll.. You asked me to post my source, I posted my source..

    It's not my fault you are too much of a brain dead Democrat to do your own research...

    This is exactly why I rarely engage with you.. You are simply too moronic and stoopid and retreaded to compete..


  83. [83] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Says the guy who can't link...what else is in that story that you don't want us to read? Your slurs a projection?

  84. [84] 
    Michale wrote:

    Russ Troll is back!!! Maybe he can address the FACTS of how utterly WRONG he was!!! :D


    Seriously, Russ Troll... I'll help you out.. If you are posting a comment and it just goes to a blank screen, it means a word in the comment is part of the NNL filter...

    Post a portion of the comment at a time and you should be able to find the word that is offending the NNL filters..

    Don't say I never do nuttin' for you...

  85. [85] 
    Michale wrote:

    ALL Americans LOVE PRESIDENT Trump!!!

    PRESIDENT Trump's recent appearance at the NCAA wrestling championships in Philadelphia showcased the undeniable affection and respect that many Americans have for him. The roaring reception he received, complete with chants of "USA! USA!" from the crowd, is a testament to his enduring popularity. Senator Markwayne Mullin aptly captured the sentiment, stating that "everyone loves" PRESIDENT Trump because they respect a fighter—someone who stands up for them and embodies their values.

    Wrestling fans, known for their appreciation of hard work and determination, resonate deeply with PRESIDENT Trump's persona. As Mullin noted, many in the audience have faced challenges and understand the grit it takes to succeed, both in the ring and in life. Trump's ability to connect with this audience reflects a broader appeal that transcends traditional political boundaries. He represents a fighter who is not afraid to take on the establishment and advocate for the everyday American.

    The enthusiasm at the event was palpable, and PRESIDENT Trump's self-awareness of the crowd's affection only amplified the moment. His comment, "They absolutely love me here, don't they?" highlights his understanding of the connection he has forged with his supporters. Unlike other political figures, Trump has consistently demonstrated that he is "for the people and from the people," making him relatable to many.

    In contrast, the reception that other politicians, such as President Biden, might receive in similar settings often lacks the same warmth and enthusiasm. The chants of "USA!" for PRESIDENT Trump signify a collective recognition of his efforts to fight for American interests and values. As he continues to engage with his supporters, it is clear that President Trump remains a beloved figure among many Americans, embodying the spirit of resilience and determination that resonates across the nation.

    If you don't love PRESIDENT Trump you ain't an American!!!


  86. [86] 
    Michale wrote:

    PRESIDENT Trump wins again!!!!! :D

    PRESIDENT Trump’s unwavering commitment to deporting dangerous criminals is a vital aspect of his administration’s efforts to ensure the safety and security of American citizens. Recent developments, including Venezuela’s decision to resume accepting deportation flights from the U.S., highlight the effectiveness of Trump’s policies in combating crime and violence. With approximately 80% of Americans supporting the deportation of criminal migrants, it is clear that the majority of the population stands firmly behind Trump’s approach, while Democrats represent the minority who wish to keep these dangerous individuals in the country.

    The announcement from Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro regarding the resumption of deportation flights is a significant victory for PRESIDENT Trump’s administration. By sending back individuals associated with gangs like Tren de Aragua, PRESIDENT Trump is taking decisive action to protect communities from the threats posed by these criminal organizations. This collaboration with foreign governments is essential for maintaining law and order, as it allows the U.S. to remove individuals who pose a risk to public safety and return them to their home countries.

    PRESIDENT Trump’s administration has consistently argued for the authority to deport migrant criminals, and this latest development reinforces that stance. The overwhelming support from the American public—80% in favor of deporting dangerous criminals—demonstrates a clear mandate for action. This support reflects a widespread recognition that criminal behavior should not be tolerated, regardless of where it originates. In contrast, the Democrats’ position, which often leans toward leniency and protection for these individuals, places them in the minority, representing only 20% of the population.

    By prioritizing the deportation of those involved in gang activities, PRESIDENT Trump is sending a strong message: America will not tolerate criminal behavior. This approach not only protects American citizens but also holds foreign governments accountable for the actions of their nationals. The fact that deportation flights are resuming indicates a shift in the relationship between the U.S. and Venezuela, which had been strained under Maduro’s regime.

    PRESIDENT Trump’s leadership in this area is commendable and necessary for safeguarding American communities. His administration’s focus on deporting dangerous criminals reflects a dedication to law and order that resonates with the vast majority of citizens who prioritize safety above all else.

    Now children... What have we learned??

    PRESIDENT Trump’s actions in deporting dangerous criminals align with the desires of 80% of Americans who want to see a safer nation. His firm stance on immigration and criminal deportation stands in stark contrast to the Democrats, who represent a minority viewpoint that seeks to keep these threats within our borders. It is time for the government to listen to the will of the people and take decisive action to protect American lives.


  87. [87] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:
  88. [88] 
    Michale wrote:

    How desperate are brain dead Democrats??

    They are wheeling out old man Sanders and his spunky side-kick, Occasional Cortex!! :D

    The recent "Fighting Oligarchy" tour featuring Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Occasional Cortex is a clear indication of the desperation within the Democratic Party. This duo, reminiscent of a classic comedy team from a bygone era, is attempting to rally support in a party that is increasingly out of touch with the American electorate and DESPERATE to regain even the SMALLEST smidgen of relevance.

    While they may present themselves as champions of the people, the reality is that they are fighting to maintain ideological control over a party that is struggling to connect with the vast majority of Americans.

    The comedy tour, which has taken them across the country, is not just about opposing PRESIDENT Trump. It is a hail-mary attempt to reinvigorate a base that is rapidly losing faith in the woke progressive agenda.

    With midterm elections looming, Sanders and Occasional Cortex are trying to distract from the fact that their brand of progressivism has been COMPLETELY and UTTERLY rejected by the American voter.

    Polls indicate that a significant 80% of Americans are concerned about issues like illegal immigration, rising costs of living, and a lack of patriotism—issues that the brain dead Democrats have utterly failed to address effectively.

    Instead of focusing on the pressing concerns of everyday Americans, Sanders and Occasional Cortex continue to push their outdated narratives about oligarchs and corporate greed. Their insistence on wearing masks at events, even in a post-pandemic world, further highlights their total disconnect from the realities faced by most citizens. While they may believe they are fighting for the working class, their actions suggest they are more interested in preserving their own fading political power.

    Moreover, the brain dead Democrat Party is facing internal strife, with centrist figures like Rep. Ritchie Torres and Sen. John Fetterman gaining traction. These moderates are ready to reshape the party in a way that resonates more with the average voter, contrasting sharply with the far-left ideologies espoused by Sanders and Occasional Cortex. Even prominent figures like Bill Maher are calling out the absurdity of their antics, emphasizing that the party needs to move beyond the extremes.

    So, children, let's recap..

    The "Fighting Oligarchy" comedy tour is a desperate attempt by Sanders and Occasional Cortex to cling to relevance in a party that is increasingly out of step with the American people. As the brain dead Democrats grapple with their identity and direction, it is clear that the far-left agenda is losing its appeal. The American voter is ready for a change, and the antics of this comedic duo may very well mark the beginning of the end for their brand of socialism within the brain dead woke progressive Democrat Party.


  89. [89] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, the narco-terrorist government of Venezuela says that the terrorists and druggies and murderers and rapists are NOT criminals..

    And Bashit Troll totally buys into their Hate America bullshit..

    Gee, color me surprised!!! :eyeroll:

  90. [90] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    A Venezuelan "criminal" Trump is deporting. Numbers are down, grab anyone!

    What an evil dumbass...

  91. [91] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    I view Bernie as the lefts Ron Paul. Hyper popular online but not so much in the real world. Like Ron Paul he is so dedicated to his principles that he has really not got much done in his long congressional career.

    Ron Paul and his ideology was and is nowhere as popular as Bernie’s online. Bernie and his ideology got him a lot closer to the Presidency than did Paul’s. So what was the Ron Paul ideology? I remember no more foreign wars and legalize weed but that’s about it. Contrast that with Bernie moving the Overton Window and packing rallies to this day.

    Also, he never really got ahead of his self-described democratic socialist label. The problem I see is he would not have run against Trump but against every derogatory thing Ronald Reagan ever said about socialists to which there is quite the plethora...

    Republicans have been calling Democrats “Socialist” and even “Communist” since FDR. That includes Establishment Democrats aka DINOs, who have borne the stigma of these characterizations without offering the benefits of same. We Boomers are dying and being replaced by youngsters who don’t see Socialism in the same negative light.

    So if you’re going to be called a Socialist no matter what why not offer voters the good stuff that, er, Democratic Socialism offers?

    This is why Ron Paul is NOT the equivalent of Bernie Sanders.

  92. [92] 
    Michale wrote:

    The Advocate is an American LGBT magazine and the oldest LGBT magazine in the United States. The niche of the website is news about the LGBT community.


    Yea, Bashit Troll...

    THAT is a really reliable objective unbiased web site!!

    Like I said, you people can never find actual objective news sources..

    All you morons have is brain dead Democrat propaganda sites.. :eyeroll:

  93. [93] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, the brain dead dishonorably discharged druggie child rapist has gone full NAZI...

    Why am I not surprised!?? :eyeroll:

  94. [94] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Ron Paul and his ideology was and is nowhere as popular as Bernie’s online.

    Were you ever on Digg during peak Dr No? Reddit Bernie bros got nothing on the original tea party...

  95. [95] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Aww, Michale can't back his shit up so he must go full foaming at the mouth. Hilarious...

  96. [96] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hay Dishonorably Discharged Druggie Child Rapist??

    If Bernie is so awesome, why is he afraid to answer a simple question??? On a Democrat Propaganda network no less...

    Senator Bernie Sanders’ recent behavior during an interview on ABC’s "This Week" is nothing short of disappointing and revealing. When asked a straightforward question about whether he would support Occasional Cortex running for Senate, Sanders dismissed the inquiry as "nonsense" and abruptly left the interview. This reaction not only reflects poorly on his willingness to engage in meaningful political discourse but also highlights a troubling trend among some politicians who shy away from accountability.

    Sanders, who has built his political career on advocating for progressive values and championing the voices of the people, should be prepared to address questions about the future of his party and its leadership. Occasional Cortex is a prominent figure in the brain dead Democrat Party, and speculation about her potential Senate run is not just "inside the Beltway" chatter; it is a legitimate topic of discussion that could have significant implications for the party's direction. By refusing to answer, Sanders appears to be avoiding a critical conversation about the future of progressive politics in America.

    His dismissal of the question as "nonsense" is particularly troubling. It suggests a lack of respect for the concerns of voters who are eager to see strong leadership and a clear vision for the future. Instead of engaging with the question, Sanders chose to walk away, which is not the behavior one would expect from a seasoned politician who claims to represent the interests of the people.

    Moreover, Sanders’ reluctance to discuss Occasional Cortex's potential candidacy raises questions about his commitment to fostering new leadership within the party. If he truly believes in empowering the next generation of leaders, he should welcome discussions about their ambitions and support their aspirations.

    So, children.. What does this tell us about Bernie Sanders???

    His refusal to answer a simple question about Occasional Cortex is a sign of political cowardice. It undermines his credibility and demonstrates a troubling unwillingness to engage in the very conversations that could shape the future of the Democrat Party. If Sanders wants to be seen as a true leader, he must be willing to confront difficult questions head-on rather than retreating from them.

    Bernie's a chicken-shit.. He's not even a Has Been.. He's a NEVER WAS....

  97. [97] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Link or it didn't happen...

  98. [98] 
    Michale wrote:

    The video of this event is AWESOME!!!!!

    Second Lieutenant Wyatt Hendrickson’s recent victory at the NCAA Wrestling Championships and his respectful salute to PRESIDENT Trump exemplify the deep admiration many Americans have for the president. After pulling off a stunning upset against Minnesota’s Gable Steveson, Hendrickson not only celebrated his win but also took a moment to acknowledge Trump, a gesture that speaks volumes about the respect and appreciation he holds for the president.

    Hendrickson’s salute, followed by a handshake and a hug with PRESIDENT Trump, highlights a connection that transcends politics. It reflects a shared sense of patriotism and pride in representing the United States, especially as Hendrickson embarks on a career in the U.S. Air Force. His actions resonate with the values of hard work, dedication, and respect for leadership that many Americans admire. In a time when political divisions seem to dominate the conversation, Hendrickson’s display of respect serves as a reminder of the unity that can be found in shared accomplishments and national pride.

    Moreover, Hendrickson’s victory is not just a personal achievement; it symbolizes the triumph of determination and faith. He drew inspiration from the biblical story of David and Goliath, embodying the mindset of a champion. This mentality aligns with Trump’s own narrative of fighting against the odds and standing up for what one believes in. Hendrickson’s focus on his faith and the support of his family further emphasizes the importance of community and resilience in achieving success.

    As he plans to serve in the Air Force for the next 20 years, Hendrickson represents a new generation of leaders who are committed to their country. His salute to PRESIDENT Trump is a testament to the respect that many Americans have for a president who embodies the spirit of fighting for one’s beliefs. In a world where respect for leadership is often questioned, Hendrickson’s actions remind us of the importance of honoring those who serve and lead, both on and off the mat.

    It is people like PRESIDENT Trump and 2nd LT Hendrickson who makes ALL of American citizens proud to be American!!!

  99. [99] 
    Michale wrote:

    Where did Russ Troll go???

    I try to help him out with his brain dead troubles and he just ups and leaves...

    "HOW ROOOD!!!"
    -JarJar Binks


  100. [100] 
    Michale wrote:

    Democrat CIVIL WAR!!! Live and IN COLOR!!! :D

    This information comes from Democrat Propaganda Site NBC NEWS... :D

    The current state of the brain dead woke progressive Democrat Party is marked by a palpable and obvious civil war, as evidenced by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer's recent defiance in the face of internal criticism.

    Schumer's refusal to step down after his controversial decision to support a Republican funding bill highlights the growing rift within the party. While he insists that his actions were driven by a desire to prevent a government shutdown, many within his own ranks are questioning his leadership and the direction of the party.

    Schumer's comments during his interview on NBC's "Meet the Press" reveal a leader who is increasingly isolated from the woke progressive wing of the party. His assertion that he acted out of "pure conviction" does little to quell the discontent brewing among brain dead Democrats who feel that the party is straying too far from its core values. The fact that some members, like Senator Michael Bennet, are openly discussing the need for a reevaluation of Democratic leadership underscores the urgency of the situation.

    Moreover, the speculation surrounding a potential primary challenge from progressive figures like Occasional Cortex indicates that the party is at a crossroads. Many brain dead Democrats are frustrated with the old guard and are calling for a renewal of leadership that aligns more closely with the woke progressive "values" of the base. Representative Ro Khanna's remarks about the need for change reflect a broader sentiment that the party must adapt to the evolving political landscape or risk further alienation from voters.

    Schumer's attempts to frame the situation as a fight against PRESIDENT Trump and a defense of democracy may resonate with some, but they do not address the fundamental issues plaguing the party. The brain dead Democrat Party's failure to effectively communicate its vision and unite its factions is leading to a complete and utter loss of confidence among voters. As the party grapples with its identity, it must confront the reality that the current leadership may not be equipped to navigate the challenges ahead.

    So, children.. Let's recap what you have learned...

    The brain dead Democrat Party civil war is becoming increasingly obvious to even the most brain dead Democrat with Chuck Schumer at the center of the storm. His refusal to step down amid growing dissent reflects a leadership crisis that could have significant implications for the party's future. If brain dead Democrats hope to regain the trust of the American people, they must address these internal divisions and work towards a cohesive vision that resonates with their constituents.

    But we all know that will never happen.. Because brain dead Democrats will NEVER look in the mirror and HONESTLY self-reflect on their short-comings..

    Hope ya'all like the political wilderness.. Yer gonna be there a while.. :D


  101. [101] 
    Michale wrote:

    And 100!!!!!

    Gotta be some kinda record!!!! :D

    Looks like the peanut gallery is awful quiet..

    I guess they agree with everything I said.. :D

  102. [102] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Michale [100]

    Link or it didn't happen. Too much find and replace garbage to search for it. I wonder what's actually in there that you are hiding from...

  103. [103] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Questions swirl after Trump says he didn’t sign Aliens Enemies Act - so who did?

    Questions around the signature led some to speculate the president may have used an autopen – a device he has criticized

    Is Trump even president at this point? Or is it all Musk and Trump's handlers?

  104. [104] 
    Michale wrote:


    Are fighting back!!! :D

    The recent wave of violence targeting Tesla vehicles and their owners has escalated to a level that can only be described as domestic terrorism.

    This alarming trend, which includes acts of vandalism, arson, and even gunfire, represents a coordinated effort to intimidate and harm individuals associated with Elon Musk’s electric car company.

    The FBI has reported incidents across at least nine states, highlighting the severity and widespread nature of these attacks.

    Former FBI special agent Nicole Parker has correctly condemned these acts as domestic terrorism, emphasizing that such behavior should carry the highest penalties under the law.

    The attacks are not merely random acts of vandalism; they are politically motivated assaults aimed at those who support or are affiliated with Tesla and its leadership. This kind of targeted violence is TEXTBOOK terrorism and is utterly unacceptable in a democratic society and poses a significant threat to public safety.

    In response to this growing threat, Tesla owners are fighting back by utilizing the company's innovative "sentry mode." This security feature allows vehicles to monitor their surroundings, recording any suspicious activity and alerting owners to potential threats.

    When activated, the cameras and sensors remain vigilant, ready to capture evidence of any wrongdoing. This proactive approach empowers Tesla owners to take control of their safety and protect their property from these acts of domestic terrorism.

    The recent incidents, including the shocking terrorist attack in Las Vegas where multiple Tesla vehicles were set on fire, underscore the urgent need for a robust response from law enforcement and the justice system.

    Attorney General Pamela Bondi has made it clear that those participating in this wave of violence will face serious consequences, with federal terrorism charges and hate crime charges already being brought against individuals involved in these attacks.

    It is crucial for society to recognize the seriousness of these actions and to stand in solidarity with Tesla owners who are facing this unprecedented wave of terrorism and violence. The attacks are not just against cars; they are attacks on the principles of free expression and the right to support innovative technologies.

    As Tesla owners activate their sentry mode and take a stand against this domestic terrorism, it is a reminder that the days of committing crimes without consequence are over. The fight against this violence is not just about protecting vehicles; it is about safeguarding the values of safety, respect, and freedom that we hold dear.

    The Democrat Party is a terrorist organization.. Plain and simple..

  105. [105] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Seniors won't complain if they miss a Social Security check, Lutnick says

    I bet they will. Musk and Trump stealing your money...

  106. [106] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    Link or it didn't happen...


  107. [107] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Ya kept it down to one- and two-syllables words— maybe it’ll get through.

    Who am I kidding?

  108. [108] 
    Michale wrote:

    Whatever you deluded morons have to tell yerselves to make it thru your sad and pathetic existence.. :D

    But facts are facts..

    And the fact that ya'all ignore the facts is EXACTLY why yer brain dead Democrat Party lost so badly in 2024..

    And is STILL losing in the here and now.. :D

  109. [109] 
    Michale wrote:

    Let's play some more WEIGANTIAN COMMENTS THAT DIDN'T AGE VERY WELL!! :D And I'll even LINK them so brain dead retreaded morons like Bashit Troll can follow along!!! :D

    Women are the wall, and Trump is going to pay for it.
    -Victoria Troll

    Yea, nice wall, Victoria Troll!!! :D

    I want someone to do an under-the-radar effort in Texas over the next four years, and actually turn it blue. Nobody polls there, because it’s not a swing state.

    Good luck with that, Dan.. Lemme know how it comes out!! :D

    A whole lot of undecided voters have been specifically citing Trump's Madison Square Garden rally as the reason they decided to vote for Harris. Trump's hate-fest reminded a lot of voters of the absolute chaos they could expect for four years if he wins, and it has turned them away from Trump.
    -2025 CW

    Apparently, it didn't turn them that far away from PRESIDENT Trump, eh?? :D

    A respected and prescient Iowa poll has Kamala up 47-44. Our female heavy early turnout is groovy and we’re going to blow through 2020’s 155m votes cast.
    -Dishonorably Discharged Druggie Child Rapist

    You actually BELIEVED that Headboard Harris would win IOWA!!!???? Man, you must have been TOTALLY stoned!!!


    I just LOVE this new game!! :D

  110. [110] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Somebody is stuck in the past...

  111. [111] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Trump administration acting ‘with an unbelievable cocktail of incompetence and illegality’

    “What people worry about is that this administration acts with a unbelievable kind of cocktail of incompetence and illegality,” Himes said of the deportation and the Department of Government Efficiency.

    “When you fire all of the people at the Department of Energy who look after our nuclear weapons and then say ‘oopsie, we need to hire you back,’ that’s incompetence,” he continued.

    Bozo the clown party...

  112. [112] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Forbes, not exactly a Marxist news source, has a five minute How Much have Billionaires Lost since Trump’s Inauguration video.

    A lot!

  113. [113] 
    Michale wrote:

    Dishonorably Discharged Druggie Child Rapist...

    The link you put in is a WEIGANTIA link, ya frakin' MORON!!!

    Yer stoned out of yer skull, ain'tcha??


  114. [114] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, apparently, you have proven that PRESIDENT Trump is not beholden to billionaires..

    Which is what I have been telling you for YEARS!!!

    Thanx for proving MY point!!! :D

  115. [115] 
    Michale wrote:


    Sergeant Grant Candies
    St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office, Louisiana
    End of Watch: Sunday, March 23, 2025

    And remind the few..
    When ill of us they speak...
    That we are all that stands between...
    The monsters and the weak...

  116. [116] 
    Michale wrote:


    I have avoided your comments because I still like ya... But this one is just too good..

    I still have Donald up at the moment, but your completely unrealistic cheerleading is giving me hope that perhaps i'm wrong.

    My "unrealistic cheerleading"??

    Of course.. I am not saying that 2024 is going to be exactly the same as 1980, vote for vote..

    While history seldom repeats itself... History has been known to, on MANY occasions, rhyme.

    What I AM saying is that it's not going to be a razor thin win for President Trump. It's going to be a blow-out win for President Trump where it's going to be indisputable and it won't drag out for days or weeks, but rather we should know by this time tomorrow, if not sooner..

    What part was unrealistic??

    "It's NOT going to be a razor thin win for PRESIDENT Trump."

    That was factually accurate..

    "It's going to be a blow-out win for President Trump where it's going to be indisputable and it won't drag out for days or weeks, but rather we should know by this time tomorrow, if not sooner.."

    That was also DEAD ON BALLZ ACCURATE as well...

    So, I am wondering where you get the claim of "unrealistic cheerleading"???

    Because the OBJECTIVE REALITY is that I called it dead on ballz perfect..

    I'm just sayin'... :D

  117. [117] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    So, apparently, you have proven that PRESIDENT Trump is not beholden to billionaires..

    Melakon would likely disagree with that...

  118. [118] 
    Michale wrote:

    Frakin' brain dead stoned moron druggie can't even put a proper LINK in his comment!!

    What a total brain dead luser…

  119. [119] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Just like you...

  120. [120] 
    Michale wrote:

    Well, it's been really REALLY fun kicking ya'all's asses up one side of Weigantia and down the other side.. :D

    Ya'all have been PWN'ed six ways from Sunday...

    But it's that time of the night..

    Ya'all have fun and I'll see everyone bright and early in the morning and we can start it all over again.. :D

  121. [121] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Off to lick your wounds, eh?

  122. [122] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:
  123. [123] 
    MyVoice wrote:

    Still one errant quote mark at the end, Caddy.

  124. [124] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    that was an excellent example of cherry picking your own comments, as well as mine. you were predicting a 1984 level landslide, while i predicted it would be closer. the result was exactly what i said it would be if all the swing states swung Donald's way, 312 electors. i thought that unlikely but possible. Reagan defeated Mondale in the popular vote by 17 points, and in the electrical vote by 500; nothing like that was remotely possible, but that's what you predicted.

    in this conversation, silence is probably a sign of high intelligence.


  125. [125] 
    Michale wrote:

    And the dishonorably discharged druggie child rapist proves ONCE again that he is too stoned and too much of a moron to do ANYTHING correctly... :eyeroll:

    Caddy, just give it up and sleep it off...

    And lay off the drugs... :eyeroll:

  126. [126] 
    Michale wrote:


    you were predicting a 1984 level landslide,

    Not factually accurate.. I was predicting a "1980 level landslide".. At first.

    My FINAL prediction was:

    "It's going to be a blow-out win for President Trump where it's going to be indisputable and it won't drag out for days or weeks, but rather we should know by this time tomorrow, if not sooner.."

    And that was dead on ballz accurate...

    Sorry, JL.. I like you but you don't get to rewrite recent history... :D

    the result was exactly what i said it would be if all the swing states swung Donald's way, 312 electors.

    Yes, but you ALSO said that THAT was "extremely unlikely"...

    Com'on.. Fess up... You blew the call... Own it... Yer the only one here who has that capacity...

  127. [127] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    Nope. Still nope. Reagan defeated Carter by ten points in the popular vote and 440 electoral votes. donald's 1.5% and 88 votes respectively are absolutely nowhere near that neighborhood. as to the "dragging on for weeks" thing, that was CW, not me. since last July, I suspected the election was probably over. sure I hoped it would work out differently from my expectations, but that's not the same thing. unfortunatlely for me, I called it pretty early and pretty accurately.

  128. [128] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:


    The experiences of young girls like Cassidy Carlisle highlight the profound hurt and anguish that can arise from policies allowing biological males to compete in women's sports. For many girls, sports are not just a pastime; they are a vital part of their identity, a source of empowerment, and a space where they can build confidence and camaraderie. However, when these girls are forced to share locker rooms and compete against biological males, it can lead to feelings of vulnerability, confusion, and defeat.

    Was Cassidy a star female athlete that only lost when she was forced to compete against trans female athletes? How EXACTLY did she suffer from competing against trans female athletes?

    When she learned that she would be competing against a male athlete in Nordic skiing, the emotional toll was overwhelming. The defeat she felt upon realizing she would face someone with physical advantages was heartbreaking.

    What physical advantages did the trans athletes hold over Cassidy? The article fails to say what physical advantages trans female athletes held over her. Did any cis female athletes have physical advantages over Cassidy or was it only trans females? Did the trans female athletes always take first in the Nordic skiing competitions?

    If Cassidy only lost to trans female athletes she competed against, then there might be some truth to your argument. Since you did not state any of her or other athletes' finishing times to show us how unfair it was for Cassidy, you provide no facts to support your argument.

  129. [129] 
    Michale wrote:


    unfortunatlely for me, I called it pretty early and pretty accurately.

    Not even close..

    You said it was "extremely unlikely" that PRESIDENT Trump would sweep the swing states..

    While you acknowledged that it COULD happen, you said it was "extremely unlikely"..

    That's not calling it accurately JL, no matter how much you wish it is..

  130. [130] 
    Michale wrote:


    Your comment questioning Cassidy Carlisle's experiences and the validity of her feelings regarding competing against transgender female athletes totally ignores the crucial point: the emotional and psychological toll that such experiences can have on young female athletes. It is not merely about winning or losing; it is about the integrity of competition and the feelings of vulnerability that arise when policies prioritize inclusivity over the well-being of female athletes.

    Was Cassidy a star female athlete that only lost when she was forced to compete against trans female athletes? How EXACTLY did she suffer from competing against trans female athletes?

    First, the assertion that Cassidy was not a star athlete or that her losses were solely against transgender athletes is an attempt to undermine her experiences. Typical move by brain dead Democrats pushing this unfair agenda. This line of questioning implies that unless she was a top competitor, her feelings of discomfort and inadequacy are invalid. Who the fuck do you think you are that you decide if these young women's feelings are valid are not!?

    Yours is a dangerous narrative that seeks to diminish the voices of young girls like Cassidy, who are navigating complex emotions in a highly competitive environment. The pressure to conform to policies that prioritize inclusivity can lead to feelings of confusion and defeat, regardless of an athlete's ranking or performance.

    What physical advantages did the trans athletes hold over Cassidy? The article fails to say what physical advantages trans female athletes held over her. Did any cis female athletes have physical advantages over Cassidy or was it only trans females? Did the trans female athletes always take first in the Nordic skiing competitions?

    Moreover, the focus on physical advantages and finishing times is irrelevant to the emotional impact of the experiences of young girls FORCED to compete against men. While the comment demands specifics about the physical advantages held by transgender athletes, it overlooks the fact that the mere presence of biological males in women's sports can create an environment of fear and anxiety for female athletes. Especially in the locker rooms where young girls are FORCED to disrobe in front of men and see men disrobe. Cassidy's feelings of defeat stem not only from the physical competition but also from the emotional burden of competing in a system that does not fully recognize her rights and experiences as a female athlete.

    The question of whether cisgender female athletes have physical advantages over Cassidy is misguided and utterly without merit. Every athlete has unique strengths and weaknesses, and competition is inherently about overcoming those differences. However, the introduction of male athletes into women's sports totally shatters this dynamic, as it creates an uneven playing field that undermines the very essence of fair competition. Cassidy's experience is not just about her individual performance; it is about the broader implications for all female athletes who may feel similarly marginalized.

    You brain dead Democrats claim you "PROTECT" women, yet you force young girls to compete against men and share locker rooms with men. Some "protection". :eyeroll:

    Furthermore, your insistence on demanding finishing times as evidence of unfairness is a completely narrow-minded view of the issue. The emotional and psychological effects of competing against transgender athletes cannot be quantified by "finishing times". :eyeroll:

    Cassidy's story highlights the internal struggle many young girls face when they feel their identities and opportunities are threatened and shattered. The fear of backlash for speaking out only adds to this burden, silencing voices that deserve to be heard.

    You brain dead Democrats are GREAT about silencing innocent voices that don't conform to your hate-women/girls agenda..

    Cassidy Carlisle's experiences are valid and deserve recognition. The attempt to dictate how she should feel or to minimize her struggles is not only dismissive but also harmful. But it's typical of brain dead Democrats pushing an agenda..

    It is essential to foster a dialogue that respects the rights and feelings of the women and girl athletes, ensuring that the integrity of women's sports is upheld. Cassidy's courage to speak out is a testament to the need for a better conversation that prioritizes the voices of young female athletes over the demands of men who can't hack it in MEN'S Sports so they have to compete against women and girls..

  131. [131] 
    Michale wrote:

    And here we have brain dead Democrats inciting MORE violence and terrorism against Elon Musk and Tesla owners..

    The recent comments from Rep. Jasmine Crockett, calling for Elon Musk to be "taken down," have raised serious concerns about the violence rhetoric coming from some members of the brain dead Democrat Party.

    Attorney General Pam Bondi's warning to Crockett to "tread very carefully" is a reminder that such statements can incite terrorism and violence and have real-world consequences.

    Crockett's remarks were made during a call with the TESLA TAKEDOWN movement, which has been linked to acts of terrorism, vandalism and violence against Tesla vehicles and dealerships across multiple states. These actions, including arson and shots fired, are not just peaceful protests; they are acts of domestic terrorism that will not be tolerated. Bondi has made it clear that those who engage in such violence and terrorism and those who instigate or encourage such violence and terrorism will face severe legal repercussions.

    The Justice Department is already taking action, with individuals accused of damaging Teslas facing up to 20 years in prison for their actions. This is a strong message that terrorism and violence, regardless of the political motivation behind it, will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the anti-terrorism laws.

    It is crucial for public officials to understand the weight of their words and the potential for inciting violence. The brain dead Democrat Party must take responsibility for the actions of its members and ensure that calls for violence are condemned, not encouraged. The safety of individuals and the integrity of our democratic processes must come first.

    Let it be known that any acts of terrorism or violence, regardless of their source, will be met with swift and decisive legal action. The rule of law must prevail, and those who threaten it will be held accountable.

  132. [132] 
    Michale wrote:

    And now the IRS is joining the fight against ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT criminals here in the US!! All right!!! :D

    This information comes from WaPoop… :D

    The collaboration between the IRS and ICE to share tax data for immigration enforcement is a significant step in the fight against illegal immigrant criminals, particularly concerning illegal immigrants who have committed crimes.

    This agreement, which would allow ICE to access taxpayer information to confirm the identities and addresses of suspected undocumented individuals, represents a proactive approach to ensuring that those who violate immigration laws are held accountable.

    For years, the IRS has maintained a policy of confidentiality regarding taxpayer information, reassuring illegal immigrant workers that their tax filings would not lead to deportation.

    However, the current administration's push for mass deportation necessitates a reevaluation of how federal agencies can work together to enforce immigration laws effectively. By allowing ICE to cross-reference names and addresses with IRS databases, the government can more accurately identify individuals who pose a grave threat to public safety.

    This agreement is particularly crucial as it aligns with PRESIDENT Trump's commitment to using every available resource to conduct a comprehensive crackdown on illegal immigrant criminals.

    The IRS's involvement signifies a broader strategy to utilize all federal agencies in the fight against illegal immigration, especially those who have been convicted of violent crimes. The collaboration aims to ensure that individuals with final removal orders are swiftly deported, thereby enhancing public safety and upholding the rule of law.

    Moreover, the move to share taxpayer information with ICE is a clear message that illegal activities will not be tolerated. Those who engage in criminal behavior while residing in the U.S. illegally will face the full extent of the law.

    The potential penalties for those found to be in violation of immigration laws are severe, with some facing up to 20 years in prison for acts of domestic terrorism related to immigration violations.

    While some may express concern over the implications for taxpayer privacy, it is essential to recognize that this agreement is designed to target individuals who have already been identified as threats.

    The IRS and ICE are taking necessary steps to ensure that the safety of American citizens is prioritized, and that those who break the law are held accountable. This collaboration marks a pivotal moment in the ongoing efforts to secure our borders and enforce immigration laws effectively.

    PRESIDENT Trump is doing an AWESOME job!! The ONLY people who have to worry about this are the criminals and scumbags who are trying to evade the law for their criminal activities...

    GO PRESIDENT Trump!!!! :D

  133. [133] 
    Michale wrote:

    It's fitting that Elon Musk is obtaining TENS OF BILLIONS of dollars in US Government contracts for SpaceX..

    It's fitting because brain dead Democrat terrorism has caused so much pain and suffering against TESLA, it's a good thing that Elon Musk can make up the losses with SPACE X contracts...

    Elon Musk's ability to recoup losses from Tesla through lucrative contracts with the U.S. government, particularly for SpaceX, is a remarkable turn of events that underscores the resilience of his business empire. As Tesla has faced challenges, including terrorism, vandalism and threats from radical groups, Musk has strategically positioned SpaceX to benefit from federal contracts that could amount to TENS OF BILLIONS of dollars.

    The recent agreement between SpaceX and various government agencies, including the Department of Defense and NASA, highlights Musk's influence and the technological superiority of his companies. SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket is being recognized as a revolutionary solution for the Pentagon's logistics needs, allowing for rapid military cargo transport. Additionally, SpaceX's Starlink satellite internet service is now eligible for a significant portion of the federal government's $42 billion rural broadband initiative, which had previously excluded it during the Biden administration.

    This shift in policy is particularly fitting, as it comes in the wake of losses incurred by Tesla due to acts of vandalism and terrorism, often attributed to radical Democrat groups. The damage to Tesla vehicles and dealerships has been a direct result of political terrorism, yet Musk's ability to pivot and secure government contracts demonstrates his business acumen and the support he has garnered from the Trump administration. The irony that losses from Tesla, caused by what can only be described as Democrat terrorism, are being offset by substantial government contracts for SpaceX is not lost on many observers.

    Musk's role in the White House, particularly as the head of the Department of Government Efficiency, has allowed him to influence policy and secure contracts that benefit his companies. This unprecedented access to government resources showcases Musk's unique position in the intersection of business and government. His ability to leverage his relationships within the PRESIDENT Trump administration has positioned SpaceX to dominate the space industry, further solidifying its status as a key player in national defense and exploration.

    As SpaceX continues to expand its operations and secure new contracts, the financial benefits will undoubtedly help Musk recover from the setbacks faced by Tesla. The potential for billions in new federal contracts, coupled with the technological advancements that SpaceX brings to the table, ensures that Musk's ventures remain at the forefront of innovation and government support.

    So, children.. Let's recap...

    Elon Musk's ability to recoup losses from Tesla through SpaceX contracts with the U.S. government is a testament to his resilience and strategic foresight. The irony of recovering from losses caused by political hostility with government contracts is a fitting narrative in the ongoing saga of Musk's business empire. As he continues to navigate the complexities of federal contracts and influence, the future looks bright for both SpaceX and Musk's broader ambitions in space exploration and technology.

    And just think.. Elon Musk owes this TENS OF BILLIONS in new wealth to brain dead Democrat terrorists who thought it was such an awesome idea to commit terrorism against TESLA..

    Great job, brain dead Democrats!!! :D

  134. [134] 
    Michale wrote:

    Oh, forgot to mention..

    The above ^^^^^^ comment came from the NY SLIMES...

    Brain dead Bashit Troll gets all whiney and hysterical when I don't name my sources...

    I know, I know.. He's a whiney little shit..

  135. [135] 
    Michale wrote:

    This is exactly why Wikipedia is nothing but a brain dead Democrat propaganda site and cannot be trusted for FACTUAL information.

    Wikipedia's recent actions reveal a troubling pattern of bias and propaganda that undermines its credibility as a reliable source of information. The online encyclopedia has consistently targeted PRESIDENT Trump's nominees, distorting their reputations and erasing significant achievements in a blatant display of partisan manipulation. This behavior is not just an isolated incident; it reflects a broader agenda that prioritizes political bias over factual reporting.

    A recent study by the Media Research Center highlights how Wikipedia editors have systematically altered the entries of Trump’s nominees, such as Pete Hegseth, a decorated war hero. After Hegseth was nominated for defense secretary, Wikipedia removed references to his military medals and accolades, replacing them with unfounded allegations and negative portrayals. This is a clear example of how the platform has become a tool for character assassination, prioritizing political agendas over the truth.

    Moreover, the treatment of other nominees, like Kash Patel, further illustrates Wikipedia's bias. The platform has transformed their pages into platforms for critics, allowing politically motivated attacks to overshadow their qualifications and contributions. This selective editing raises serious questions about the integrity of Wikipedia as a source of information, especially when it comes to public figures who challenge the leftist narrative.

    Co-founder Larry Sanger has long criticized Wikipedia for its bias, calling attention to the operational structure that favors radical leftists in positions of authority. As Wikipedia continues to propagate left-wing narratives, it is imperative for users and search engines to recognize its shortcomings. The reliance on Wikipedia for information not only perpetuates misinformation but also erodes trust in legitimate sources. It is time for readers who value truth and objectivity to reconsider their use of Wikipedia and seek out more balanced and reliable alternatives.

    Anyone who uses Wikipedia as a source AGAINST the enemies of the brain dead Democrat Party is ignorant of facts and is ignorant of Objective Reality...


  136. [136] 
    Michale wrote:

    It appears that brain dead Democrats are STILL hysterical about PRESIDENT Trump exercising his duly appointed COMMANDER IN CHIEF role in getting rid of violent illegal immigrant criminals..

    The recent actions of federal courts in blocking PRESIDENT Trump from invoking the Alien Enemies Act represent a significant overreach that undermines the executive powers granted to the President of the United States. This interference not only challenges the authority of the presidency but also disregards the pressing national security concerns that necessitate such actions.

    U.S. District Judge James Boasberg's ruling to halt the deportation of Venezuelan gang members under the Alien Enemies Act is a prime example of judicial overreach. PRESIDENT Trump's decision to deport members of Tren de Aragua and MS-13 was based on a clear understanding of the threats these groups pose to American citizens. The tragic murders committed by illegal immigrants, such as the heinous acts against 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray and nursing student Laken Riley, underscore the urgency of addressing this issue. Yet, Judge Boasberg, in his ruling, seems to prioritize legal technicalities over the safety of American citizens, effectively placing himself in a position to dictate national security policy.

    The Alien Enemies Act, established in 1798, provides the President with the authority to act decisively in times of national threat. As established in the landmark case Ludecke v. Watkins, the courts have no jurisdiction to review the President's invocation of this act. Justice Felix Frankfurter's opinion in that case made it unequivocally clear that the President's power to order the removal of enemy aliens is not subject to judicial scrutiny. This precedent should serve as a guiding principle for current courts, yet it appears to be ignored in favor of partisan agendas.

    The notion that a district court judge can unilaterally obstruct the President's constitutional authority to protect the nation is alarming. It sets a dangerous precedent where judicial activism can override the executive branch's responsibilities, particularly in matters of national security. The Constitution grants the President the power to act in the best interest of the country, especially when faced with threats from foreign entities.

    Moreover, the media's portrayal of these judicial decisions often fails to highlight the implications of such overreach. Instead of focusing on the potential dangers posed by groups like Tren de Aragua, the narrative shifts to vilifying the President for attempting to enforce the law. This distortion of facts not only misleads the public but also undermines the seriousness of the threats we face.

    Children... What have you learned??

    The federal courts must recognize their limitations and respect the constitutional boundaries that define the powers of the President. The invocation of the Alien Enemies Act is a legitimate exercise of executive authority aimed at safeguarding American lives. It is imperative that the judiciary refrains from overstepping its bounds and allows the President to fulfill his duty to protect the nation. The safety of American citizens should always take precedence over partisan politics and judicial overreach.

    Once again, brain dead Democrats are trying to protect illegal immigrant rapists and murderers and drug dealers. Brain dead Democrats are trying to keep illegal immigrant rapists and murderers and drug dealers in the United States..

    How completely and utterly brain dead are brain dead woke progressive Democrats, eh!??


  137. [137] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, let's discuss how the brain dead Democrat Party is completely non-functional as a political entity..

    Oh, just so we're clear.. The ABOVE comment about how brain dead Democrats are completely wrong about illegal immigrant criminals comes from RCP..

    The following comment about the brain dead Democrat Party being dead comes from TIME magazine and Democrat Rep Jake Auchincloss...

    The current state of the Democrat Party is one of disarray and irrelevance, as highlighted by DEMOCRAT Rep. Jake Auchincloss's recent admission that the party is “bereft of big ideas.” This stark acknowledgment by a DEMOCRAT reflects a broader truth: the Democrat Party is struggling to present a viable political platform that resonates with the American public. Instead of focusing on innovative solutions to pressing issues, the party has become mired in a cycle of ineffective governance, ideological rigidity, Trump/America hate and PTDS.

    The Democrats' failure to address the consequences of their policies, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, has left them vulnerable. The catastrophic school closures, which deprived children of essential education and social experiences, exemplify the party's inability to learn from its mistakes. Auchincloss's call for a commitment to one-on-one tutoring for struggling students is a step in the right direction, but it underscores the brain dead party's lack of proactive, comprehensive strategies to address the fallout from their past decisions.

    Moreover, the brain dead Democrats' fixation on appeasing their base rather than engaging with moderate and swing voters has alienated a significant portion of the electorate. The party's leadership seems more concerned with maintaining ideological purity than with crafting policies that genuinely improve the lives of everyday Americans. This disconnect is evident in their reluctance to embrace bold, transformative ideas that could galvanize support.

    So, children.. What have you learned??

    The brain dead Democrat Party's current trajectory suggests that it is not a viable political entity. With a lack of big ideas, a failure to learn from past mistakes, and a tendency to prioritize ideology over effective governance, the party risks becoming increasingly irrelevant in the eyes of the American people. It is time for the Democrats to reassess their approach and reconnect with the values and needs of the electorate if they hope to remain a significant force in American politics.


  138. [138] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Links or it didn't happen...

  139. [139] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    That's not calling it accurately JL, no matter how much you wish it is.

    it's a heck of a lot closer than your prediction (presuming 1980 was your actual prediction rather than 1984 - i'm giving you the benefit of the doubt on that one). you and I made the same prediction about who would win. I missed the margin by three states and 29 electoral votes; you missed it by 15 states and 177 electoral votes. in the objective reality that's actually objective, my guess was closer.


  140. [140] 
    Michale wrote:


    No matter HOW much you would wish it, your predictions were WAY OFF..

    I seriously have no idea. trump came into the campaign with a big advantage, but he's lost a lot of it by his customary unforced errors. if I had to guess i'd say Donald still wins by a whisker, but seriously that little, like less than ten thousand votes in a single decisive state.

    I still have Donald up at the moment, but your completely unrealistic cheerleading is giving me hope that perhaps i'm wrong.

    i'm not so sure. At the moment I have Donald up 283-257, with Kamala winning Michigan, Wisconsin and Nevada, and a messy situation in PA with all sorts of dirty tricks on every side. However, I think any of the three Eastern swing states could very easily flip my model and give Harris the win.

    if Donald wins, i can practically guarantee it won't be with more than 290 electoral votes. in the extremely unlikely event that Donald completely sweeps the swing states, he'll get 312.

    my current prediction is 281-257, with PA as the linchpin.

    Those are all your predictions in the few days before the election.. I could go further and find others where your predictions were even MORE off..

    Now, let's compare those to my FINAL prediction..

    Of course.. I am not saying that 2024 is going to be exactly the same as 1980, vote for vote..

    While history seldom repeats itself... History has been known to, on MANY occasions, rhyme.

    What I AM saying is that it's not going to be a razor thin win for President Trump. It's going to be a blow-out win for President Trump where it's going to be indisputable and it won't drag out for days or weeks, but rather we should know by this time tomorrow, if not sooner..

    My prediction was dead on balls accurate whilst your predictions used words like "extremely unlikely" that PRESIDENT Trump would sweep the swing states..

    So, your claim that your predictions were more accurate than mine is simply wishful thinking...

    Much like your claims that the brain dead Democrat Party is a viable political entity in the here and now..

    Simply wishful thinking...

  141. [141] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    Michale [130]

    Moreover, the focus on physical advantages and finishing times is irrelevant to the emotional impact of the experiences of young girls FORCED to compete against men.

    First, these young girls are not being FORCED to compete against MEN. They are not FORCED to compete against anyone. That is their choice whether they participate or not. If they do CHOOSE to compete, they are not competing against MEN; they are competing against trans females their own age!

    Moreover, the focus on physical advantages and finishing times is irrelevant to the emotional impact of the experiences of young girls FORCED to compete against men.

    Again, this point is irrelevant as the scenario described does not actually exist!

    While the comment demands specifics about the physical advantages held by transgender athletes, it overlooks the fact that the mere presence of biological males in women's sports can create an environment of fear and anxiety for female athletes. Especially in the locker rooms where young girls are FORCED to disrobe in front of men and see men disrobe.

    The mere presence of males is what is causing the fear and anxiety for female athletes? Fear of what, exactly? You keep making comments regarding the suffering athletes like Cassidy have to put up with, but you aren't saying what that suffering actually includes. Also, why is Cassidy by herself in this suffering? Why aren't we seeing entire squads coming forward together if this is such an issue for female athletes? What we are seeing are those squads standing beside their trans female teammates calling BS on these complaints! Many of the coaches of these teams are males. That would be an even bigger problem for female athletes like Cassidy if this was actually the real issue.

    As someone who coached high school sports (Freshman and JV teams) for years, there is no one being forced to completely disrobe in front of anyone. For those who are embarrassed to get naked around others, there are stalls that they can go into and change.

    The question of whether cisgender female athletes have physical advantages over Cassidy is misguided and utterly without merit.

    I could not agree with you more...yet that was still the argument you chose to run with!!!

    When she learned that she would be competing against a male athlete in Nordic skiing, the emotional toll was overwhelming. The defeat she felt upon realizing she would face someone with physical advantages was heartbreaking.

    So my asking that you identify and define those so-called advantages was necessary. You are the one saying that this was what was causing her to suffer so terribly!

    The real problem I have with this entire line of argument is that it sounds more like the complaints that a MAN would ASSUME female athletes have against allowing trans female athletes to compete than complaints from actual female athletes! You keep pointing to how unfair it is that they should have to go compete against MEN who they could never be expected to match their strength and skills... something that I have never heard female athletes EVER say. And refusing to provide the actual results of these competitions can only be seen as proof that the trans athletes are not unbeatable GODS in these sports.

  142. [142] 
    Kick wrote:


    Trump invoked a law from the 1700s this week which would allow him personally to determine who gets deported. No due process, no hearing before a judge -- none of that. Just Trump deciding: "I don't like this guy, let's kick him out."

    And with that nugget, CW exactly identifies the obvious core of the instant issue. Contrary to the hysterical prattling nonsense of the right-wingnut propaganda "unelected" goon squad on echo chamber network television and the drivel and spew of the regurgitating rubes all over social media: The Courts aren't attempting to usurp the power of the presidency, the president is attempting to usurp the power of the Courts.

    President Adjudicated Rapist 34-Time Convicted Felon isn't too fond of following the statutes of the United States; kind of obvious to anyone who can read and interpret documents marked as Exhibits and public record.

    People are entitled to due process under multiple sections of the United States Constitution. Give them due process, and if you have the proof they are whomever you claim, then TYA and send them out of the country. The POTUS and his goon squad do not get to ignore the Constitution; we fought a revolution to get rid of a king.

    This one isn't rocket science.

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