Archive of Articles in the "2006 Elections" Category

Good Democratic Campaign Tactics: Bush And Gas Prices

[ Posted Wednesday, August 30th, 2006 – 11:48 UTC ]

Demonstrate your dedication to fighting for middleclass families by clearly explaining how you will work to keep down the price of gas if elected to Congress. Hold an event at a gas station or other logical location where you call for a real commitment to bringing down gas prices and pledge that, as a member of Congress, you will fight for families in your district, not the oil and gas executives for which this Republican Congress has fought so hard.

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Campaign Ads For The Katrina And 9/11 Anniversary Season: "Got Competence?"

[ Posted Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006 – 12:06 UTC ]

Democrats need to tie Congressional Republicans as tightly as possible to Bush's policies, and then hammer away at their failures. The great squishy middle of American voters aren't very ideologically inclined one way or another, but they do like to see a minimum of competence from the people they elect. Painting the Republicans as "the party of incompetence" will swing a lot of independent votes to the Democrats.

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October Surprise 2006: Place Your Bets Now!

[ Posted Wednesday, August 16th, 2006 – 12:09 UTC ]

(10) Announce that Barbara and/or Jenna Bush has joined the Marines and will soon be deploying to Iraq. Odds: 17.5 billion to 1

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Take Jimmy Carter's Advice On The Primary Calendar

[ Posted Wednesday, July 26th, 2006 – 18:58 UTC ]

We can do better than this. The ideas are already out there. Letting Nevada and South Carolina participate in early primaries and caucuses is a good idea, and I hope it is given a chance to work. But I can't help feeling it's a baby step when it should have been a giant leap.

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The Plastic Loan Shark In Your Wallet

[ Posted Wednesday, July 12th, 2006 – 16:23 UTC ]

How many voters in Red State America would strongly consider electing a Democrat if it meant the cost of their credit cards would go down? How many swing voters would be swung by such an appeal? Most importantly, how many economically-struggling non-voters would take the time to register and vote if they were promised an end to 28% or 29% interest rates on their credit cards?

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A New Direction For America? [part 2]

[ Posted Sunday, July 2nd, 2006 – 19:02 UTC ]

My fear is that the document is too cautious and does not have bold enough policy initiatives to break into the mainstream media's horse-race mentality -- and therefore will never get heard by the vast majority of voters. This would be a shame, since the ideas are good.

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A New Direction For America? [part 1]

[ Posted Friday, June 23rd, 2006 – 17:43 UTC ]

The best thing about the document is that it's short and to the point. Each issue is spelled out in plain language on the first page, as a focused and positive idea. The second page is a good blueprint for putting Republicans on the defense. Democrats should memorize and repeat the items on both lists every chance they get.

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Democratic Demagoguery

[ Posted Friday, June 9th, 2006 – 20:24 UTC ]

But Democrats can't just phone in their campaign, the way they seem to be doing. They can't win just by being anti-Republicans. They can't win just because everyone has figured out Bush is an idiot. They can't win just by using Newt Gingrich's suggested campaign slogan: "Had enough?" It's downright pathetic that even Newt feels sorry enough for the Democrats to give them campaign strategy advice. And although the "culture of corruption" phrase is a good one, it's still not enough to win. Democrats need to complete the sentence: "When we take control of Congress, this is what we're going to do for all voters: ...."

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