[ Posted Friday, April 2nd, 2021 – 18:00 UTC ]
So, let's see... Joe Biden has been in office for over two months, and the only scandal to emerge from the White House so far has been from First Dog Major Biden. While over in Republicanland, Representative Matt Gaetz reportedly not only had sex with a 17-year-old minor while using the illegal drug ecstasy, but he also paid her online (possibly through a setup on a "sugar daddy" dating site); and not only took nude photos of all his conquests (which apparently included a naked hula-hooping video), but actively shared them with other congressmen on the floor of the House of Representatives. He's now under federal investigation for possible sex trafficking. But he has retained his seat on all his House committees, since Republicans are now noticeably more in favor of "due process" than they are whenever Democrats are in trouble. So could someone please remind us, once again, exactly which party is supposed to be the "party of family values"? After all, they used to brag about it so loudly....
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[ Posted Tuesday, March 30th, 2021 – 15:25 UTC ]
Every so often, a political issue rises to the fore and I just have to scratch my head and wonder at the sheer stupidity of it all. Not often -- usually even when an idea I don't agree with gains traction in the political debate, I can at least see the other side's reasoning. In other words, I may not agree with the proposed solution, but at least I can understand where the other side is coming from. But the COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to more just flat-out stupid political fights than anything else in recent memory. Wearing a face mask is somehow a political statement? What a monumentally stupid idea! Last year, most of this came straight from the top, right out of the Oval Office. But Donald Trump is now just a sad shadow of his former political presence (he's taken to crashing weddings at his resort to whine about how put-upon he is politically, which is pretty sad indeed). So this time it's just free-floating Republican (or Libertarian) craziness.
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[ Posted Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021 – 16:16 UTC ]
Two more horrific shootings happened in America recently. They will join the increasingly-long list of all the other horrific shootings from the past few decades. There are enough of them at this point that the news media even separates them into sub-categories, such as "horrific shootings just within Colorado" (remember Aurora? Columbine?). We've mourned so many for so long -- with absolutely nothing happening politically as a result -- that it's easy to get cynical and pessimistic about the chances for any meaningful changes to our gun laws getting enacted now. After all, if the massacre of 5-year-olds at Sandy Hook Elementary School didn't get anything passed, why would these two? But this time, things might -- just might, mind you -- be different. We might see at least the tightening of our rather lax background-check laws, this time. Which isn't much, but it's more than has ever succeeded in recent memory.
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[ Posted Friday, March 19th, 2021 – 17:52 UTC ]
Before we get to the other events of the week, we have to comment on one particular political fight that is heating up to a surprising degree. Both sides of the aisle see this fight in fairly existential terms, so it's an important one across the board. But what is rather surprising is that, this time around, Democrats seem to be ready and willing to fight for their beliefs, they appear to have both the much higher moral ground and the support of the public, and they also have a devastating bumpersticker slogan for what they are fighting so hard to prevent. For Democrats, that (sadly) is rather surprising, all around. In bumpersticker terms, the Democrats' position might be summed up as: "Stop Jim Crow 2.0!"
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[ Posted Thursday, March 18th, 2021 – 15:13 UTC ]
America is on the verge of an explosion. I can feel its rumblings already. My guess is it's already started happening in a small way, and in the next two or three months it is going to spread like wildfire. OK, I'll stop with the flaming metaphors and just explain what I'm talking about instead, how's that?
Here's the best way to put it: "What are you going to do when it's over?"
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[ Posted Monday, March 15th, 2021 – 16:54 UTC ]
Every so often I come across an article and I think: "I wish I had written this." Today was one of those days. I read an excellent Washington Post article this morning on the subject of the filibuster, Senator Joe Manchin, and H.R. 1 (the "For The People Act").
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[ Posted Thursday, March 11th, 2021 – 21:03 UTC ]
Remember when presidents used to be presidential? Yeah, so do I. It wasn't that long ago, after all. Tonight, President Joe Biden thankfully gave us a preview of what his next four years will be like -- calm, collected, truthful, and reassuring. And it was just what the doctor ordered, as far as I'm concerned.
Biden spoke on a momentous day. Not only did Biden sign his first big legislative achievement into law earlier in the day (his 50th or 51st day in office, depending on how you count), but it is also exactly one year since the previous president finally had to face the reality that we were in a national crisis. Back then, he begrudgingly declared an emergency, and then went right back to rampant denial over the seriousness of the disease, the likely scope of the problem, and what it would take to get us out of it. Not to put too fine a point on it, he lied to the American people, over and over again. Not only that, he actually mocked anyone with the temerity to disagree with him -- which included his own government scientists. This led to the United States becoming the poster child for the world for "how not to fight a pandemic." It led to the highest infection rates on the planet, and the highest death toll by far -- both per capita and in raw numbers. We have had more deaths than India and China, both of which have over one billion citizens. This record of failure simply did not need to happen, but it did because of the absolute vacuum of leadership from the White House.
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[ Posted Thursday, March 4th, 2021 – 18:05 UTC ]
There's an old and now-dated joke that is the genesis of that headline. The setup to the joke is the question: "What are the three greatest lies in America?" The punchline is: "(1.) The check is in the mail, (2.) I will respect you in the morning, and (3.) I'm from the government and I'm here to help you."
I am reminded of this now because of a confluence of disparate issues, from Democrats bolstering the rights of transgendered people to the reaction to the news that the publisher of the Dr. Seuss canon will not be publishing six of his books anymore because of racially insensitive depictions. And a lot of other unrelated things, as well, such as Donald Trump railing about seemingly mundane issues like toilets and lightbulbs and dishwashers. Many of these things are now being lumped together politically as a conservative crusade against "cancel culture."
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[ Posted Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021 – 17:49 UTC ]
We are in the midst of one of those rare seasons in Washington where Congress actually gets some things done. Joe Biden's legislative legacy will begin with his $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill, which now seems all but certain to pass. Hiking the minimum wage to $15 an hour fell by the wayside, true, but the rest of the bill will be historic nonetheless (there are all sorts of things in it, above and beyond the pandemic relief and $1,400 checks and state and local aid). Meanwhile, the House is about to begin a marathon period of passing Democratic agenda items and sending the bills over to the Senate. First and foremost of these is H.R. 1 -- the "For The People Act." And if even some of the key ideas contained in this breathtaking and sweeping proposal ever make it into law, it would likely be the most consequential election law ever passed. So it's a good bill for Nancy Pelosi to lead with.
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[ Posted Friday, February 26th, 2021 – 18:31 UTC ]
In the past week, two of the biggest political stories have been which way the Senate parliamentarian was going to rule on an arcane rule in the chamber, and how one of President Joe Biden's nominees might be in trouble because in the past she had (gasp!) tweeted such mean things as: "vampires have more heart than Ted Cruz" (a statement that is not provably true only because vampires are mythical creatures while the heartlessness of Ted Cruz is, sadly, all too real).
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