Archive of Articles in the "The Bill of Rights" Category

Pelosi, Part Two

[ Posted Tuesday, May 19th, 2009 – 17:18 UTC ]

When I wrote yesterday's column ("What, Exactly, Was Pelosi Supposed To Do?") I expected a certain amount of debate, but I had no idea what direction it would take (which is the whole fun of the blogosphere). To be perfectly honest, I thought some Pelosi defenders would take me to task for being too hard on her.

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What, Exactly, Was Pelosi Supposed To Do?

[ Posted Monday, May 18th, 2009 – 16:37 UTC ]

Listening to the news over the past week, it would be easy to come to the conclusion that Nancy Pelosi was personally responsible for torturing prisoners. Because that's how the storyline seemed, if you had just beamed in from Mars and didn't know anything else about the debate on prisoner interrogation. The problem is, we have not just arrived on this planet, and Nancy Pelosi will ultimately wind up in the history books with a footnote (if that) in the description of what took place under George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. But her critics in the past few days have remarkably failed to answer a very basic question (not that the media is really asking, but maybe they'll get around to it) -- what, exactly, was Nancy Pelosi supposed to do?

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Friday Talking Points [77] -- There's Always Next Week...

[ Posted Friday, May 15th, 2009 – 17:44 UTC ]

I have to start by saying that in all honesty, President Obama and the Democrats didn't have a great week.

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Friday Talking Points [75] -- Monster Raving Loony Party

[ Posted Friday, May 1st, 2009 – 17:46 UTC ]

OK, with that out of the way, we must (sadly) turn our eyes to the Republican Party. Because they appear to be losing all touch with reality, so it's best to keep an eye on them at this point. For starters, they are calling a special Republican National Committee meeting in the next month to vote on (as if they could) forcing their opposition to change their name to what is variously described as the "Socialist Democratic Party" or the "Democratic Socialist Party" (as well as variations where they intentionally leave out the "-ic" just to twist the knife).

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Friday Talking Points [74] -- Pirates And Torture

[ Posted Friday, April 17th, 2009 – 16:57 UTC ]

What a strange set of sentences that is to begin an article about the twenty-first century world we live in. But pirates are attacking ships with regularity off the coast of Somalia. This has been going on for years, but Americans just realized it is happening (because an American ship was just attacked). And, while the two are not connected (and I am not advocating for their connection, sorry for the slightly-misleading headline), people are finally talking about torture after President Obama released the Bush torture memos to the public. We'll get to the Bush torture memos in a bit, but I'd like to begin with a proposed solution to the pirate problem first.

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American Violet A Powerful Movie With A Powerful Message On Race And The Drug War

[ Posted Wednesday, April 15th, 2009 – 16:44 UTC ]

American Violet is not a "horror movie." It has no monsters, zombies, or mass murderers in it. Just people. But the movie's powerful message on the role racism plays in the Drug War will likely horrify you just the same. So while American Violet is about as far from the "horror" genre in moviemaking as you can get, audiences may indeed be horrified (or perhaps outraged) at the injustice displayed by one district attorney in Texas.

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Tea And Sympathy

[ Posted Monday, April 13th, 2009 – 16:15 UTC ]

Tea doesn't get much respect in America. This historical snubbing will continue Wednesday, with protests across America meant to evoke the Boston Tea Party, a seminal event in the foundation of our county. How effective these protests will be is going to be open to interpretation, however.

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Friday Talking Points [73] -- "Good Grief!" Friday

[ Posted Friday, April 10th, 2009 – 16:38 UTC ]

A bumpersticker seen in more liberal areas of the country reads: "Jesus save me from your followers." Now, that may not be a very "Christian" way to open a column which falls on the Christian Good Friday, but I was reminded of it by yet another episode of Catholic leaders denouncing liberal politicians. To these leaders, I have to say, isn't there something about beams and dust motes and eyes which you could be more productively teaching about? Or perhaps that one about throwing the first stone?

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C.W. Cunningham Honored By Jefferson Center

[ Posted Tuesday, April 7th, 2009 – 16:44 UTC ] is proud to announce that our much-beloved resident cartoonist C.W. Cunningham has been honored by the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression, by being featured in their "Jefferson Muzzles" awards column.

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Constitutionally-Protected Spam

[ Posted Tuesday, March 31st, 2009 – 16:33 UTC ]

Perhaps I am just being alarmist here. Perhaps I am wrong about all of this. Or perhaps we will look back at Jaynes in the future with horror, as our inboxes fill up with mudslinging about the candidates. I truly hope I am mistaken about this, and not prophetic.

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